Chapter Twelve.

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Frowning at the sky, I crossed my arms over my chest. I was sitting in a tree, upon a relatively decent sized branch that overlooked A Dirt path.

I've been dwelling on the Book for the past half an hour or so, but my thoughts would often drift to other things as well.

I had overheard a few Jonin discussing the upcoming Chunin Exams.

And if what I heard was correct, the participants would be arriving over the course of today and tomorrow.

I've traveled past minor villages in most of the Elemental Nations, so I have a good feel of what they may be like. This should be rather interesting indeed.

The rapid patter of footsteps snapped me from my daze. Adjusting my Mask, I shifted into a crouch, my head automatically tilted towards the commotion.

A boy, a few years younger then myself, was being chased by Sakura. Tsk, Tsk. I'm guessing he insulted her in some way or form?

Good on you, brat.

The arrival of Sand Nin surprised me, but not by much. Immediately, I guessed they were here for the Exams.

A black-clad boy with a hood in the shape of Cat Ears snatched up the boy by his collar.

(Heh, funny thing. Forgot what their lines are here. Gonna make them up to what may be similar. ^-^")

"Watch where you're going, you damn brat!" Cat-Ears snarled, his free fist raising in a hitting motion. It seemed that Pinkette had spotted me. Her mouth was agape, and her eyes pleading.

My frown deepened. For this next part, do not think of me as a good person.

Hunching down on the branch, I'd focus a rather decent amount of Chakra into my legs, before shooting forward. The bark exploded where my feet were once planted, and the leaves danced in my wake.

One hand gripping the younger Boys shirt, the other was planted upon the ground. Using the hand that pressed into the dirt,  I'd gather my gained Momentum, before I spun, my left foot viciously striking out at the Sand Nin's knee cap.

He gave a sharp bark of pain, followed by a curse, as my right foot touched the ground, and would kick me forward.

Skidding across the ground, I had the boy in my arms, his fists bunched up in my cloak. Straightening slowly, I grew increasingly irritated at the fact my hood had fallen, releasing a mane of Crimson hair.

"Kankuro!" The blonde girl that stood beside him called, but 'Kankuro' was already standing, looking furious.

"Oi, Dickless, I'm the only one who can call this twirp a brat. Got it?" The young boy was shaking in my grasp, and my nose wrinkled at the clear fear he emitted. I'm not that fucking scary, am I?

"I'm going to fucking kill y-" He paused, freezing as a Stone-cold voice wrung out from the tree I was standing in previously.

"Kankuro." It started, venom lacing each word individually. "Don't be a disgrace to our village." He snapped. I had a good view of him now.

Narrowed Teal eyes surrounding by heavy black rings, and tussled red hair, a shade or two lighter then my own.

"B-but Garra!" How irritating. And disgusting. Kankuro reeked of Fear. I think he pissed himself.

No longer interested, I turned away, before setting the kid down. He darted away from me, before pointing at my now straightening form.

"D-Demon!" He cried, causing my brow to knit together in confusion. I just saved his fucking ass. Ungrateful brat.

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