Chapter Seventeen.

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Warning, Chapter Sucks.

Picture above is Kuro.



I stood solo before the towering gates, with a large 1 painted on it. The Proctor had already told us the dangers, the precautions, and had basically said if we die, oh well.

I clutched the Heaven scroll in one hand tightly, glaring at the gates through the shadowed Eyeholes of my Ebony-scarlet mask.

Tucking the Scroll away into the strap on my left arm, I let my Black sleeve roll back down, efficiently covering it.

With a great Rumble, the gates parted, and I wasted no time in lurching forward, towards this so called 'Forest of Death.'

The seemingly endless abundance of trees and towering foilage immediately enveloped me in shadow; casting a comforting blanket of darkness over me.

The only source of light came from the breaks in the Canopy, in which parted to spill golden rays of warmth every time the branches shifted.

I remained hidden in the shade, dark coloured attire blending me in well.

Every now and then, I sensed the flicker of Unfamiliar Chakra, but decided it be best if I didn't engage in combat on the first day.

By tomorrow, my opponents will theoretically be worn out, and some even injured. I had a better chance waiting it out and scavenging for food, like I've been taught.

I took my time in collecting Berries and edible leaves. I hadn't caught anything revolving around meat. The smell of fire, let alone cooking meat, would inevitably draw other Chunin-Exam participants to my location. In which, I obviously couldn't risk quite yet.

Stationed in a fairly thick branch high up in an Oak, is where I crouched, eyes narrowed as I fed upon some Strawberries I had stumbled upon.

They weren't great, but it was food, and it'd keep me going.


Night was quick to fall. I had made a sort of shelter upon the branch, which consisted of thick, leafy sticks propped up against the bulk of the tree.

Although it didn't offer warmth, it wasn't visible to any Nin passing by.

After making sure I had set a decent amount of noise-producing traps around my area, I was quick to fall into a dreamless sleep.


It was just before dawn when I woke.

The forest was still shrouded in shadow, and with such sensitive ears, I could hear the Day-animals stirring, and the Nocturnal slowing down to find a place to rest until Twilight fell.

Breaking a part my make-shift shelter, I tossed it over my Branch, before gathering the small bundle of food I had gathered the prior day.

Leaping off into the forest, I was ever-vigalent as I kept an eye out for possible danger.

It wasn't long until such danger found me.

I had come to rest in a fairly clear patch of ground, barely considered a clearing. It was large enough, however, that when a towering beast tracked me down, it faced me without much lack of room.

The Tiger was peculiar; a faint blue where the orange would normally be. With a white chest, paws, and Black stripes, I knew I wouldn't want to kill this creature.

It stood in defensive position, eyes narrowed to oddly intelligent slits. When I moved, it moved.

A circular dance ensued, but it never let me pass a certain point; where it'd release a low snarl if I got too close to a particular area.

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