Halloween Special!

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I want to thank every body who bothered to Read this story. It's all thanks to the Readers, of course, that the Views are growing. It makes me unbelieveably happy when we hit a goal.


[This filler has nothing to do with the actual plot.]

My Apartment was cold, as usual. The sun had gone down about half an hour prior, and now, I simply sat at the kitchen table. A candle flickered absently near me, offering me just enough light to draw by.

The Sketch slowly became a raven, the detail extraordinary. The feathers seemed so life-like, that if you were to touch them, you'd have thought you'd actually feel the soft, neary silk-like texture.

It was one thing I was proud of.

After closing the book, I drifted to the window. The children of Konoha were all dressed up, their laughter and words piercing the usual thick silence that cursed my Street.

Each child held a small, or large bag of candy. Nevertheless, they all bore huge grins. The ones that weren't masked, of course.

It was a nice sight.

That's why I drew the curtains closed.

I returned to my seat, the crepuscular light guiding me-although I already had extraordinary night vision.

I watched the candles cast dancing shadows across the wall, my chin propped up in my hand.

I never celebrated anything. I found no need to. Holidays, to me, were useless ways of benefitting yourself.

And as of current, the children that waltzed up and down the streets of Konoha were merely begging for free sweets.

Reclining in the chair, I ran a hand down my face. I had spent the day studying, yet I found nothing new about those cryptic hand signs I had discovered in the ancient book I had stolen.

The only items present in my fridge was a small container of Rice, two eggs, and a small carton of expired milk. I needed to go shopping at some point.

With a soft sigh, I pushed myself up, before tugging on my cloak, and finally, setting my mask in place. The candle cast twisting shadows over my still figure, making my appearance much more sinister.

After I blew the candle out, I shifted to the door, and then outside once I locked it behind me.

I didn't have a destination, so, of course, I figured I'd simply wander until I possibly found a familiar face.

As I drifted down the crowded street, I scrutinized the folk around me with a small frown.

They were all weak. So easy to be slain.. which I could proceed with at any moment. However, although I was in the mood to listen to children screaming, I knew slaughtering everyone present was perhaps not an intellectual choice.

So I continued to wander, strides slow and fluent. Like a shadow against the darkness, I drifted from street to street, my gloved hands shoved into the pockets of my shorts. A soft frown had creased my features, until I reached the Main Street of Konoha, and paused.

Stalls were set up everywhere, offering Children free Caramel apples, and Cotton candy. My frown deepened, although it was more-so of envy. I watched the overjoyed looks on the Children's faces as they munched on their snacks, hand in hand with their parents.

I was about to turn away and head home, was abruptly, my sleeve was tugged. I turned slowly, glowing oculi narrowed, but not visible to the little Girl that stood behind me.

She stared up at me with wide, wondering eyes. "Are you supposed to be a demon?" She giggled naively, which I tilted my head to, brow furrowing. I wasn't educated on how to deal with Children. So, of course, j shrugged.

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