Chapter Fifteen.

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Picture is Kuro.

Play the Music when you see the Bold letters that suggest songs! If you can't see bold letters, just play it when song suggestions come up later.

Filler chapter. Chapter sixteen is when the Chunin  Ark starts.



I stood in the familiar monochrome hallway, my Mask and Cloak discarded somewhere unknown. As before, the corridor stretched onwards, the end nowhere in sight.

The floor bore livid splatters, in which seemed to be the only color.

Why was I here again?

Ah, right, right.

I died.

This is the second time, I believe.

How irritating.

My skin radiated no warmth, and if I pressed my hand to my chest, there was no familiar heartbeat.

Only the frigid stillness.

It was unsettling, knowing that I was dead in this place. Was it like Limbo? Would there be two doors?

One to Paradise, and one to Eternal Torture?

Who knows.

A flash of red drew me from my relatively unpleasant thoughts. Eyes lifting to gaze at the Cherry-maned woman, I offered a small smile.

"Hey. Looky looky, I managed to die again." I murmured, for some reason finding the whole ordeal rather amusing. The Woman, whom I still had not acquired the name to, merely sighed.

"So I see. You should be more careful." She straightened, frowning faintly.

I shifted from foot to foot, a sheepish smile drifting over my features. "Yeah.." Trailing off, my smile shifted into a ghostly scowl.

"Why is it that, when I try to have fun, it always turns out bad?" I blinked up at the Woman, who shrugged.

"It's in our veins, love. Bad luck, that is. I'm sorry it had to be this way." Tucking her hair behind her ear, she leaned back, slouching against the wall.

"In our veins?" I frowned, standing straighter, before crossing my arms. "There's something you're not telling me." Eyes narrowing to snake-like slits, I stared at her as she kept her gaze locked on the wall, lost in thought.

"I can't explain it directly to you. However, I can give you a name." When she paused, I inclined my head for her to continue.

"Seraphine." She gauged my features for a reaction, but when she got none, she sighed.

"That's all I can give you. Good luck, love." However, she halted, before approaching me.

"I see your.. Bracelet has cracks in it." She paused, silver eyes glittering faintly. "When it breaks, you'll have your answer." She whispered.

Then, something unexpected happened.

She flicked my forehead, and everything went black.






"..Waking up!"

Muddled words and sounds drifted into my now partially conscious mind. Groaning softly, I clutched my head, in which sent the unknown machines around me into a beeping frenzy.

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