floor 03

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2:30 AM is the time indicated in the clock. Lisa can't help it anymore. She wants to try it. It's not real anyway, right?

She immediately went quickly to Chaeyoung's side and shake her.

"Yah. Unnie. Unnie!!" Lisa whisper-shouted. After a while, Chaeyoung was now awake.

"What?" Chaeyoung said in her groggy voice.

"Everyone's asleep. Let's do it!"

"You do know that it's just a story and it's not real. And the cause of death of Ellisa was probably because of her illness, not the game."

"It's not real. So we can do it!" Lisa exclaims while still lowering her voice down to avoid waking up the others.

"Fine." Chaeyoung finally agrees but of course if Jimin will be with them. And so they all pack everything they will need. But it's actually just a phone and a video camera.

Once they got the things they need, they dressed up into denim shorts, they kept their shirts on and just put a jacket and then a cap on and head out.

"You sure wanna do this?" Chaeyoung asks her friend in assurance. Though she knows that it's not real, she did read some stories where some actually work. She fears that it will be real for her friend.

"Yes, Chae. I am and I will be."

"But I won't allow you." Both girls and Jimin look behind to see Jungkook, also now dressed into khaki shorts, his bedtime shirt with a jacket, and also wearing a cap.

"You have no say to my actions because I am not yours, Jungkook," Lisa said sternly.

"I don't care. If you'll do the game then I'll do it too."

"I'll do it too." All of them look behind to see Taehyung, dressed up as well.

"The more the merrier, right?" Jimin says but then Chaeyoung looks at him as if he said something wrong, "I mean, the more the safer."

Everyone got in the elevator and went to the first floor, where the game will start. Once they arrive on the first floor, they all sat by the couches of the lobby of the apartment for a while just to arrange the camera.

Yes, they will record the happenings.

"Yah Jimin-ie, can you kindly hold the camera and film for us, please? Thanks." Chaeyoung asked and also advance thanking Jimin as he gladly took the favor.

When Jimin finally got a hold of the camera, he taps something in the camera a few times before he puts up his thumb as a sign that the camera is now recording.

"Okay there, nice." Chaeyoung starts, "So today— I mean this early in the morning, my friend Lisa—"

"Don't forget about me," Taehyung says, cutting Chaeyoung in mid-sentence.

"Me too." Jungkook seconded.

"Okay..." she trailed before continuing, "So my friends Taehyung, Jungkook, and Lisa will be doing the famous elevator game." Chaeyoung pauses for a while to catch her breath before continuing, "I don't know why they are doing this and why do they bother to play even though it can't be real. I just told the story but it's not like it's REALLY true. But yeah.."

Taehyung scoots near Chaeyoung and whispered, "I'll be the first one to do the game."

Chaeyoung nods as Taehyung scoots away to let her continue.

"So my dear friend, Taehyung, here requested that he will be the first one to do this game—"

"I'm the second!" Jungkook cuts Chaeyoung's words.

"What?! No!" Lisa disagrees.

"What do you mean 'no', Lisa?" Taehyung's tone was serious.

"But I wanna be first!"

"No, you can't, Lisa," Jungkook says with a grave tone as well.

"Just let them be, Liz." Chaeyoung buts in.

But of course, Lisa is one stubborn girl, "No!"

"Just so that we can be sure. If in case it's real then at least the boys can handle themselves." Chaeyoung tried to pursue her once again.

But of course, it didn't work, "So are you saying I can't handle myself?!" Lisa starts to raise her voice.

"Yah, be quiet or the guards may suspect our plan. This game is becoming famous nowadays and they might interfere." Jimin tells them and Lisa was forced to give up.

"Okay so Taehyung oppa, are you ready?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Yes, I am." Taehyung answers with confidence.

"You may enter," Chaeyoung says which Taehyung followed.

"Stay in the line with us, hyung!" Jungkook reminds his friend.

"I'll pray for you, my friend!" Jimin says jokingly.

"Goodluck," Lisa says.

Taehyung smiles as he holds his phone and the elevator door finally closes.

Taehyung smiles as he holds his phone and the elevator door finally closes

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