Chapter four

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As barry and his wife are cuddling by the fire place drinking creamy hot chocolate with pinchof vinilla wondering how they are doing in college  life.As soon  meta-human Alarm went off he grabbed his ring  say "I love you queen ."written on the inside of it  he activate it as his flash suit come out he speed hurry changed in it.kiss his wife on the forehead said"bye snowflake."She smiled softly"see you later flash." almost sounding like her alternate self.As he then speed to stop bank robbery with mr.cold and heatwave ."stop dr.cold." dr. cold said" why don't you stop me flash."Barry dodge the cold ice shot dr.cold ice gun.Caitlin was at home reading to their youngest child bartholmew the 2 she decide to name him afetr his father when he was born he looked so much like his dad."It was the night before  christmas and all through the house kids was sleep it quite not even a sound .Not even a house."As begin to read her son to sleep and rock him before put back in his crib .She said softly" soon when your old enough I tell how I meet your dad and fall in love with him.Mean while back at bank robbery Barry knock out them two put them Arkham height prison .And ran back home to his wife quickly changed out of  his suit back in to normal clothes and hugged his wife behind her."Hey hun." Caitlin said without turning around. Barry slowly turned her around after put their son back in the crib ." thanks for this wonderful life snowflake."He said to her.She smiled one of her warm smiles ." Your welcome Barry and I couldn't ask for anything more ." She replied to him.

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