weak heart

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As baby Henry heart was weak becuase of his powers Barry jumped start his heart with enough voltage put in jump start to get beating again baby Henry gasped for air"Daddy that you?"Henry asked ."Yes it's me how's your little  sister?"Barrry said. 'she good she doing a puzzle with mommy."Henry replied hugging his dad.Barry hugged his son back ."You have my color hair and your mom eyes that can never lie to you so honest and innocent."Barry explained telling his son he resmeble more of his mom than him."But,Daddy I have your charming smile mommy tell me that everyday sister has your eyes and mom hair with her smile."Your mom brought two beatiful children in the world that resemble us."Barry said proud.Barry accidentally shock caitlin forget he had little votlage left when he jump    start little Henry heart becuase his heart was still weak from after birth.Since both of youngest kids are meta-humans.Still trying figure what powers they had.Barry thought Henry had both of his parents powers  and lilttle sister has Caitlin powers.Him and Caitlin had bet who and which kids had their powers or both loser had had to give the winner $10.00 .He was not about to lose the bet with each other.He was pretty determined  to win this sure going show her truth about Henry  jr.or his little  sister Stacey..
(thought it be funny that they have bet each other in this chapter let see if he wins next chapter)

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