It isn't in my blood

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Help me feel like these walls cage in.It isn't in blood.I feel like crawling me in my skin.Help me.It's like the wall cage in.Sometime i feel like giving up.But,I can't it sin't in my blood.
Caitlin body begin to  feel weak.As she fainted as Barry  ran her to the lab and put her on med-bed put up on the  set up the machine as heartrate escalte faintly breathing"Is she okay?"Barry asked."She fainted which means she doesnt't have enough heat to mike ice go into KIller Frost."Harry said.While looking at Barry as holding Henry Jr. in his arms carddling him.Barrry hand Henry jr. to Cisco baby sit him  please I have to be here when she wakes up.As he sat next holding her hand hoping she would wake up."B-Barry?"Caitlin said weakly."Hey Snowflake your in the lab you fainted."Barry replied.Sh scoot over so he can lay next to her and hold her deeply stroking her head ever so softly it put her back to sleep becuase  need to recover and rest.

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