The bet

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( Au:I try published this chapter to  so would add suspense when I wrote the other chapter same day will publish few weeks after.)
Caitlin won the bet Henry jr. had Barry powers he was disapointed .Caitlin held her hand out  not saying anything it was ellipse between them.Barry took out his wallet  and slapped  crisp ten dollars from there.Caitlin softly smirked then, kiss him "good game."Caitlin said to Barry try  to make him feel better. Barry smiled and agreed with her swallowing his pride.And hugged his wife becuase he will always love no matter what bet or no bet.Barry picked up Stacey.Stacey had both of her parents powers.Villains that are meta-humas had no chance with her family are super hero unstoppable four.To challenge them was death wish to anyone who dare to go agianst them.Gypsy had little Cisco with Cisco having vibe powers and can create portals still trying to learn to constrol them,Eddie and Iris have little Iris in the crib asleep.Stacey cried knowing facing her best friend as a enemy in her heart she still cared about Angie.stiffled  crying she tried to held in.Stacy zoomed in orange in her purple suit with half flash and half snow flake as Angie vibed therewith longed vibrant purple hair  hair as her voice was  was disoriented  couldn't tell if it was her real voice"Angie you don't have to  this just surrender."Stacey offered her."I gave up that choice long ago and paid terrible price  to aquire more power as she intense buring marks on me."Angie said to her."So be it then."New it her mind her heart was breaking.She flashed  megasonic super hero flash her in the side of her face.She flew back  and hit the brick wall.Angie groaned in pain shoot her with a vibed blast.Knock her off her feet she hurried got up flashed and beating her best friend up throwing super speed punches."Mom I'll be back later in fight very complicated fight when it your best friend."She texted her  mom then put the cellphone in her bra.Her heart was breaking into a million pieces for this fight."Cait:Be careful sweetie and come back to us."Stacey phone read the message to her as she fought Angie.Henry jr flashed decide helped his sister as Stacey through iceicled stabbed Angie though her chest she fell down and weeped for her friend.Stacey hair turned white as snow among her tears turned to ice as she calmed down her hair turn back to brunnete her eyes turned back to green hazel and inhaled deeply.She flashed home on ice still mourning.Barry  flashed to hug her ."Shh it ,okay  it okay sweetie you no choice if she didn't surrender."Barry said to his duaghter as he was softly stroking her head among Ashely was also, there hugging her trying to comfort her since they both lost their third best friend.Amanda el duaghter or Kara and Mon -el.Was also hugging her best friend stacey and Ashely West duaghter of Eddie Thawne and Iris.

Word count :479

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