All of me (AU)

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what i do without your smart mouth kicking me out and pulling me in.My head unserwater but i'm breathing fine.Cards on the table.How many time to tell even you cry your beatiful.The world is beating you down I'm around through every mood.your crazy and I'm out my mind all of me loves you allof you .Love your curve and edge all your imperfection.I give you all of me.your my end and my begining .Even when Ilose i'm winning.
~all of me john legend)
Barry and caitlin was listening to music listen to the radio and won john legend concert Barry changed in into nice suit and Caitlin changed nice dark red long dress with her hair up.Barry picked her bridal stlye speed them there.As john legened began to sing All Of Me. The crowd swayed slowly he was singing it was so romantic"what i do without your smart mouth kicking me in amd pulling me head unserwater but i'm breathing fine.Card on the many time to tell even you cry your beatiful.theworld is beating you down I'm around through evry mood.your crazy and im out my mind all of me love your curve and edge all your imperfection.I give you all of me.your my end and my begining."People in the crowd begin sing along as some of the other cuople was slow dancing to the music."so give your all to me and I give my all to you. your my down fall ,your my muse ,my worst distraction ,my rythm and blues."John continued sing.After the concert Barry picked her up and speed to her house up the stairs to her room nkowing that their two oldest kids are asleep at this time along with their baby boy in the crib.

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