Love me like you do

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love melike you do touch  me like you do what are you waiting every inch of skin holy paradise let you set the pace .Cuase i'm not thinking straight.Hold me like you do.
Caitlin and Barry was sittinng on the couch as Henry jr. was 4 years old and running around stop to look at them as Barry turned his looking at his third child and smiled at him.As Henry jr.giggled and ran off speeding in the kitchen with his speed  He turned back around on the couch  drinking some wines  while streach his arms layaround Caitlin neck as she leaned in rest head on his shoulder Barry kisseed her foreheadans smiled at her."Daddy how did you mommy meet?"Henry jr asked him.That a long story It happen when I stroke by  lighting sent to 3 years of coma ."As Barry explained to him.Cait pick up Henry jr set him on her lap as Barry continued  whenI woke in the lab with people surrounding me there was two by my body on the med -bed and she was there with your uncle she was my doctor first she was uptight and cold distant never smiled  which rarely did when after she lost her Finacee When I came around I was shocked and scared."I'm  not uptight ."Caitlin said.I comfort her  afterwards they did all sorts of test on me Then became a super hero.""Called The Flash ." Henry Jr said cut little kid voice of his. "That's right kiddo."Barry said to his son.After ward everything changed Caitlin was meta-human first became a villain know as?""Killer Frost!!"Right again his mom said to him."I was the only one that can bring her around she promised to use her powers for good."Barry continued the story.She start to come around whenI'm around she would smile a little more though worry about develop feeling for me so did I for her."He tell his youngest child.We starting dating and hanging out more then, He got engaged to me after the wedding you were born after few month later after your oldest sibling"Caitlin told Henry Jr your dad want to name you Charles but ,I told him I want to name you after you grandfather.She said to him."Grandpa Jo?"No that one ."Barry said .Grandpa Henry your father dad."Caitlin said to him.
(It a little time skip Hnery jr.Already   had his birthday can talk.

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