Twentytwo. ♠️

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We didn't speak for the rest of the day, mainly because I was so mad, livid, that he had dared to point a gun at me, I mean who wouldn't be? The worst thing was I was now stuck in the car with him, the front window broken and when you're travelling at high speeds it can get very chilly. The coat I was wearing was thin so even that didn't help as I tried to bunch myself together to keep warm as I sat in the back trying to avoid Harry's gaze in the mirrors. 

Leaning my head against the headrest I looked up and sighed to myself as I tried to work out how long I had been in this vehicle with him for. When I had got into the car it was nearly ten am, it was almost midnight. I had been in here far too long and I was starting to get a little agitated and tired. 

What I really wanted to do was put my feet up and lean my head against my knees and fall asleep that way but after last time I didn't think putting my feet up on the seats was an option. Leaning forward I put my head on the seat in front of me which just happened to be the one Harry was still in as he drove. Closing my eyes I felt my head bumping against it as the car travelled on the roads which had little potholes in it. 

"Are you going to sleep?" He asked me, the silence in the car finally being broken. He had a habit of not having the radio on as he drove and that bugged me immensely. 

I nodded my head, "Trying." I spoke in a short voice, my head getting annoyed with the constant movement. 

"We can stop," he told me. 

Looking up at the mirror our eyes met for the first time since being in the car, "No thanks." I looked away from him before he looked back at the road. 

Unclipping my belt I laid my top half down on the back seat holding the jacket around me as I did. I wanted to stay warm and the fucking window was keeping me wide awake. Laying there I stared up at the grey ceiling in the car. I wondered what everyone else in my life was doing right now, was my dad okay? Was Thomas alive? Was my father planning revenge for everything? Had he exacted his revenge?

"Don't you understand the severity of the situation you are in?" 

"You'll be begging for me when you meet Max."

"You have always been so beautiful Elliott, beautiful but naive to what is happening around you."

"You have always been so beautiful Elliott, beautiful but naive to what is happening around you."

His words played in my head as I touched my right cheek, my fingers slowly feeling over the metal stitches as I thought about the fact I would never be as beautiful as I used to be again. I guess I had never appreciated how pretty I had been before, now I had to live with what was left behind. Tears streamed down the sides of my face as I felt the rough bumpy skin that was forming around the stitches, I wouldn't have an open gash but I would have an ugly scar. 

I couldn't talk to Harry about this, he wouldn't understand. I guess it was a woman thing, I knew no man would look at me like that would have looked at me before. I could cover it with makeup and it would probably look great from a distance, touching my face though, it would just reveal the horror that was my face.

"I want to stop," I announced as I sat back up and put my head in my hands and shielded him from my tears. I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't know him to know how weak I really was, how shallow I was being. 

Listening I heard him let out a sigh before nothing else came from him. I knew he had heard me and I knew he was choosing to avoid me. Maybe he could hear I was upset in my voice I guess no matter how much you try to hide it you are always going to sound like you have been crying if you have. 

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