The Untitled Book

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"Of course, I guess I understand. Now, can I stay over for a bit to talk?" she asked.

"Oh, sure." I said. I really was starting to enjoy her company. What did she want to talk about though?

"So," she said looking around at first, "do you believe in the impossible?"


As soon as a faint hesitant "yes" escaped my mouth Celeste was practically dragging me to an unknown somewhere towards the downstairs West Wing. Do I believe in the impossible? What on earth is this girl talking abut now?

As we seemed to near the mystery place I decided to ask, "Celeste where are we going?"

"Library" she panted, out of breath.

The Library? What 'impossibility' could possibly be in the library? But before I could voice my thoughts a shrill ringing started. The rebels.

Celeste stopped dead in her tracks, and I could see the extra concern on her face, considering last time this happened I was taken. Luckily for us, the library had a safe room around the corner.

As we reached the library's saferoom I was still in debate about what to do. Was it northern or southern? I could almost laugh at how much one detail could change the whole situation.

Celeste, not seeing my hesitation, dragged me through to a seemingly normal picture of a mountain range. She put her impeccably painted nails on the landscape portrait to open the saferoom when two hand land on my shoulders. I instantly tense and freeze. This time Celeste noticed as I slowly turned around to let out a large sigh of relief.

It was Georgia. She enveloped me an a tight hug.

"Georgia, what the hell. You scared me!" I said with a half laugh.

Realizing Celeste was still there, I turned around praying this goes well.

"Um, Celeste this is Georgia. Georgia this is my friend Celeste." Calling Celeste my friend felt weird, but right. I guess she really is my friend now.

"Nice to meet you." Georgia said, extending her hand. Celeste took a moment to respond, hesitantly shaking her hand. Suddenly the shrill ringing came back to us.

"Oh god we should hurry." a frantic Celeste said, grabbing another hold on the painting. I turned to Georgia expectantly question in my eyes and with her short nod I could tell she understood my question. Is it safe?

"Celeste its safe." I said, turning to her, obvious confusion in her eyes.

"What do you mea--." she started glancing confused between Georgia and I when Georgia cut her off.

"Please Celeste," she ushered her hands to a set of chairs "Let me explain."

It took a moment, a very tense moment, but Celeste finally nodded, sitting slowly. Georgia and I followed suit. Georgia started talking right away, as if the shrill ringing of the alarm was non-existent.

"Ok, so I know this is awkward considering we just met," Celeste nodded her head, "but please don't freak out. I'm," she inhaled deeply, oh so dramatic -I could almost laugh if the tense situation wasn't already suffocating me. Georgia continued, " I'm a Northern rebel."

We sat in silence for about 7 minutes, though it seemed like an hour. Celeste finally looked at me, a question in her eyes I could only assume to be 'and you trust her, right?' I gave a nod of my head, and she finally spoke, "Northern?"

The Selection (Not as it seems)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt