The Insecure Truth

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Hey all,
Finally in this update I'm revealing Abhi’s insecure reason which could vanish by his wife’s signature.
Guys it is little sensitive in my POV, hope I won’t disappoint you all.

Guys it is little sensitive in my POV, hope I won’t disappoint you all

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Let’s get into the story,

At Mehra Mansion,

The car reached the entrance and within few seconds, a hopeless hand opened the car door, with her expressionless face, her eyes dried with tears. She stepped down holding her handbag and walked without looking back at Abhi. They just landed from London because he rushed up saying there is a need for them to reach India back soon. She didn’t have any idea about anything, and it just blown her out.

She entered inside the mansion, while Abhi walked to her back gesturing Robin to collect their luggage and arrange in their room. They both looked up to see Daadi and Sarla Maa were waiting for them; Bulbul Purab Mouni Vin and Rishabh were already reached here after the airport incident. Abhi restlessly looked at Sarla maa. He was worried how she gonna react for this truth about him.

Without talking with anyone, not ready to face anyone’s question or consoling Pragya rushed to their room, wiping her overflowing tears, thinking about the incident just happened when they land on Mumbai airport.

“Pragya” Daadi tried to call but Abhi stopped her

“Let her alone Daadi. That is something she couldn’t hear about her. I will handle her” Abhi said in his exhausted voice and looked at Sarla maa with apologetic look

Sarla couldn’t even imagine how much big truth her daughter has hid behind this marriage with Abhi. On one side she hated Tanu to the core for bringing such a worst situation in their life for her selfish reason, in the other hand she couldn’t guess what she was feeling right now for Pragya. She looked at Abhi who was approaching her with worries written in his face.

“Maa… it is that…. I wanted to… *he becomes restless not knowing how to confess her the reality* I was afraid and I don’t know… how to… Maa” Abhi fears and shivers not knowing how Sarla maa gonna react for this. The truth is finally out, not only in front of his family but to the world.

Sarla extends her hand to cup Abhi’s face but he fears that she gonna slap him and jerks. Sarla chuckles with tears “Maa’s hand always rises to bless her child beta”

He whispered in her teary tone “I'm sorry Maa; I was scared whether you would take my Pragya away from me because of this…”

This time without letting him to speak Sarla raises her hand to slap while Abhi stopped in fear again. “I should give a tight slap now. I really don’t know what I'm going to do with you both. Only by age you both are grown up. Not by sense. How could you think that I would separate you both? Haan, that too after knowing that you both love each other this much then how can I Abhi?” Sarla asks caressing Abhi’s cheek

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