"XXX" ....None To Go.

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Chapter 14

Elise stared at me and smirked. "I don't know about this Crista..."

I shook my head. "If It will save my family. I will not take no for an answer."

She paced the floor thinking. "You can't just do it on your own. You'll need someone with you." She smirked.

I held my head up high. "Where do we start?"

If this is what my purpose is, I'm going to fulfill it. Everyone has it out for my family. Most of all me, what I possess; and I'm going to give it to them.

She smiled at me, motioning me to follow her. I got up confused, looking down at my body astonished of the bite marks that decorated me, not even realizing the sticky liquid fell off me with ease.

"Did you release me?" I asked following her.

She nods as she turned a sharp hallway. The shadows hunted me as it was dark but every now and then it'll be a light fixture on the wall filled with fire, setting a calm shadow of light, dancing off the wall, beckoning me to follow.

She took me to an empty room with one big glass window on either side of us, I could see the moon illuminating the tile floor we stood on as I was a couple feet away from her. I watched her as she stood in the center of the room, eyes closed chanting something I didn't recognize.

She soon opened her eyes and held her hand for me to grab it. I looked at her hesitantly but followed suit anyway, it was like I couldn't deny her.

"Come... He's ready now." She told me.

I took her hands and stood there with her, closing my eyes. We were in front of each other now.  I didn't know who she was talking about, but he seemed to be a very powerful person if she needed to summon him.

"Now repeat after me..." She ordered.

"Seigneur des Ténèbres viens à moi." She chanted.

"Seigneur des Ténèbres viens à moi." I repeated

"comme je laisse votre puissance m'apparaître..." She chants again.

"comme je laisse votre puissance m'apparaître..." I repeat again.

"invoque moi Seigneur Noir..." She goes on.

"invoque moi Seigneur Noir..." I repeat.

She starts over and we talk in sync.

"Seigneur des Ténèbres viens à moi."

"comme je laisse votre puissance m'apparaître..."

"invoque moi Seigneur Noir..." We finished

A burst of white light shunned in both of our faces as she held on tighter to my hand. Harsh wind smacked us both as I fought to stay on the floor.

"Don't let go!" She yelled to me as the gusts of wind got stronger.

I held on tighter as the white light and wind seemed to disappear, the room remained the same but a man in a black cloak stood in front of us.

Elisa turned around and slightly bowed upon him. I just stood there confused, I didn't know what we just chanted and plus who is he?

"You called upon me my child. Why do you feel the need?" He spoke in a French accent.

He stood there hands folded in front of him, a hood covered his face and he was at least six feet tall. 

"My lord... We need assistance with the five hearings..." Elisa said.

He looked at her then to me, his look was smug, but it was inviting.

"And who might you be my child?" He asked me.

"I am Crista Vanderbelt." I replied.

"Rain... Ah. You are finally ready I see." He inquired.

I smile. "This will help my family..."

He nods to me. "Very well. I might warn you this pain will be excruciating. You will also have to do something for me in the near future... An eye..." He put his index finger to his covered eye and then to my right eye. "For an eye..." He finished.

I nod not knowing what to expect and confused to his preference. 

He snaps his finger quickly and four men and a woman appeared, dressed the same way.

It happened so fast, I barely saw them appear before me. 

The people looked at me and smiled. The woman walked over to me and revealed herself. She had red crimson hair, orange glowing eyes, a face that belonged on a magazine and the deepest dimples I've ever seen. I stood there holding in my gulp, I was nervous, but I knew exactly what I was getting myself into.

"Are you ready?" she asked and held out her hand. I looked at her hand deciding my fate. Walking up to her I nod and grabbed her hand slowly as she guided me to the center of the room. My heart was beating a thousand miles as I knew I was doing the right thing for my family and me.


I had awoken in the same spot I started at. On this uncomfortable table that seemed too hard to lay on. My ears ringed and tingled against my skin. The silence was unbearable as I looked around to see no one, just these two big glass windows and a small opening to a door. Which was ajar and moved slowly every now and then making a terrifying creaking sound. I looked down at my body and I was still in the same clothes, the same shoes and the same bite marks covered my arms. This was completely insane, I wandered why I was held captive. I barely knew who I was. Light peeked on the side of me making me snap my head towards the door, a man with long blonde hair with all black on approaches me, giving me the creepiest smile ever.

"Hello. You poor thing." He said to me.

His voice was deep but light at the same time, it was making my skin crawl.

I glared at his beautiful face as he approached me.

"How long have you been here?" He asked walking around me. I watched him but didn't say a word.

"You're a quiet yet beautiful creature." He spoke.

"I'm not a creature—..." I started.

"You're a human being? See that's the thing we all want to be human Crista." He said cutting me off.

"How do you know my name?" I asked suddenly intrigued.

"I've known you for some time. We were close and I actually don't like seeing you here. All trapped and what not."

I raised an eyebrow at him. I was going to say something, but he started before my mouth opened. "Here take this." 

He gave me a gold knife; it had red rhinestones on them. "It'll help you." he told me.

"By the way my name is Adam. Nice to finally meet you. However, I cannot stay but if you want to meet again. Just think about me." He said before vanishing before me. 

I laid there astonished at the fact someone was actually nice to me. I closed my eyes trying to get my thoughts together. I was trapped but I knew I wouldn't be for long. Harlem and Garrett would be here any minute; I felt it. It was like a feeling in the pit of my stomach, a burning sensation that made my chest flutter.

And just then as I opened my eyes the sudden feeling of relief feeling my body. I felt them. They were here and it was ready for the games to begin.

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