Chapter 1. Another world

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I'm still trapped in this void and I can't move, what's the reason for this. I look to my right hand side, there's nothing there. I look to my left hand side. 

What?!!! There's a monster on my arm I think it's trying to tear my arm off. What's the point of this?

I can't tell. Well now I see a flash of lightning and I the monster is pushing me through, next thing I know yellow sparks are around me and the door opens up. I see a door in front of me I look to my left hand side.

No, that's impossible. My arm is gone. The door opens and I see a man with a eye patch he has a nice smile I think I can trust him...maybe. He takes me inside his office and I sit down in a chair. 

"What are you doing here buddy?" Maybe I can trust him, just maybe. I clear my throat. 

"Well sorry if I'm bother but all I'm trying to do is find away to get back home, sir." I feel like I have said something wrong because now he's staring into my eyes. 

"Well we wouldn't want to be in danger now do we? I shake my head. Now what should we call you while you're here?" 

I speak up. "My is Bithiah sir."

"Tabatha yes, Tabatha Gardner. Perfect for you. Now I should call someone to keep watch on you, how about that." He says with a deep breath and blows it out.

 He starts taking again. "Now want you get information from these two people who will help take care of you."

 I finally speak up. "But isn't  that spying sir?" I ask.

He looks at me and the yellow sparks come back. 

"You're an alchemist too I see let's see what you can do." My right hand is in midair not even touching the floor and blade comes out of thin air.

"I shall call you the Lighting Alchemist." "Tabatha, remember that is your code name while you're here you shouldn't tell anyone or trust anyone else, with that you're from another world only trust me with that information and remember to get information anyway you can with these people." I nodded and then he see that my left arm is missing then he calls this guy named Edward.

FMA- BOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora