Chapter 26

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The black hole

Edward POV

I would always make sure that Bithiah was alright and make sure that she didn't leave the house either because she been worried about Bradley and the machine she blow up she been pacing in her and Winry with her. "Okay, sit down and breathe." I sat down next to Winry and looked at Bithiah. She was staring out the window. I clapped my hands to get her attention. Then when she around we both said together "don't worry about a thing." "Yeah I guess you're right." Then she walked out as if she didn't hear a word. Then she started speaking again. "Guys Bradley's planning on making a black hole." I said loudly. "How could you possibly know that?" I ask her. My head, it like he's reading my mind or inside it." Before I could stop her she jumped out the window and ran heading for Bradley. "She can be so stubborn at times." I told Winry getting ready to follow Bithiah. "Will it might not be her world but she wants help in anyway she can. I look at her "maybe she's right Bithiah wants to help just so she get back her real world." I say to myself then I get sad and angry at myself for thinking that. Winry pushes me a little. "Go bring her back, I don't think she ready to leave yet, she's probably scared of to talk you about what's going on." It kind of made sense in a way. I opened the door and started running in the direction Bithiah was going.

Tabatha P.O.V

I what I did was wrong but Bradley is planning on entering my world and I have to stop him and I know someone going to come find me but before that happens I need to stop Bradley in his tracks. I looked around the corner and I saw all the humonulous. Envy, Gluttony and Lust. "I think today  is the day were finally going to enter the human world and that's not even the best part the humans can lay finger on us since we live forever." "So when should we go get girl? I mean we need her to work the machine." "Well we don't have to wait anymore. Bradley said pointing in my direction. I start running back but the Envy who transformed to look like Edward stopped me while Lust and Gluttony were coming behind me. Her fingers started to longer and longer. I think she about impale me. I have stop them. "What exactly are you trying to accomplish by doing this?" I'll keep them busy by answering few questions. "There's no need for you know all you have to do is there?" Lust asked me. I peeked around the corner to see if Edward was I saw dust clouds coming in my direction and I knew that  was him. I have to keep these  guys busy until they can use me. "So you're going to use as power source." "Yes I thought we told you that already. Lust  said annoyed. "Oh, did you? Short term memory loss, I guess." Lust's fingers started getting longer and closer she ended poke me into my ribcage as I looked I saw a lot of red spilling out of me. I felt like I was about to pass out then Edward caught me. "What took you so long I say in a soft voice." "If you weren't so reckless we wouldn't be in this mess." He put me down on the ground and got ready to fight. Lust and Gluttony gave up then showed us both the machine. "See all we need is a spark then we will leave you alone. I stared at Edward and he stared back at me. "You really think we would fall for that?" I spoke up. Lust  took another chance at the machine and said don't you want to go home...I mean your real home. My eyes widened with a surprise. "That machine could really take me home?" I asked unsure. Then Edward grabbed my me and held tightly then asked, "you don't believe them, do you?" I shrugged. "I came to this world by a huge gateway." Edward looked up to the sky. How did you lose your left arm?" He asked still looking upward. Did you try to bring someone back from the dead?" He then turn to look at me. Then I answered. "These creatures from the gate ripped it off my body. Then the gate closed but before it closed I saw a boy with blonde hair then I ended up at Bradley's office and that's where I met you and Alphonse. Lust starts to speak up. "Look we just need start the machine because afterwards we can just rid of you." We never noticed what was happening with Bradley but the next thing I knew he came out of no where he took  my hands clapped them together and made me touch the machine as so I did he stabbed me in the ribs once more. Edward grabbed me again as I watched red spilled out of me. As I try to open one of my eyes I see the machine open up a black hole. I weakly. They go stand in front of the machine and I put my hand on the ground and the machine closes the black hole.  I try standing up by myself, "I don't get it, what's the reason for all of this? What's the reason you all want come into my world? Don't you like here I mean won't you all be disintegrated into to dust before you make it. For people who don't belong in a world that isn't their own can  disintegrated after a few days or weeks or months or years or something like that. So please don't do it if you want live. Gluttony and Lust started to back away from the black hole. Bradley grabbed my jacket and whispered, "what are trying to do, eh? Don't worry about that I'm sure she's just scare you. It's fine I'll show you. He took his hand from my jacket to my auto mail hand and crushed to ground once the black hole was open again Bradley walked inside. NO-NO-NO!!! STOP PLEASE!!! I scream but he didn't stop. "You see I'm fin..." Bradley said in before disintegrated on the spot. I saw Gluttony and Lust's face full of fear. Edward helped me up to my feet. "Are you okay?" We need to get back to the house a.s.a.p. I shook my head and said, "the black hole is still open I can find back home." This time Edward shook his head "you can't go yet. What about Alphonse and Winry and Pinako and me? I walk towards Edward and I give him a little kiss on his cheek. "Tell everyone I say goodbye okay." I say to him as I moonwalk into the black hole. I see a moon in the distance and walk towards it.

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