Chapter 7. Keep it a secret

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I wake with the sun shining in my face. 

Winry is awake as well we look at each other then I get up to brush my teeth.

 I see the bathroom is closed and locked which means that Edward is also awake I go to his room and I see Alphonse.

 There only one bed in the room. I knock on the door Alphonse turns his head my direction and I wave and he turns away. 

I enter the room and I sit next to him. "Is there something wrong?" I ask him. 

He turns to me. "W-what? Nothing wrong, Bithiah." 

Edward enters the room with his bathrobe on and towel on his head. He looks at me. 

"What are you doing in our room Bithiah?" He asks. 

"N-nothing." I walk away with my face hot. Winry is in bathroom brushing her teeth and I join.

 I suddenly burst out something totally crazy. "What do think of Edward Winry?" She spits out the tooth paste and then she goes red.

"Will I could ask you the same question, what do you think of Alphonse?" I start to blush and so does Winry. 

I  go ahead change and I put on the new jacket that Winry bought and Edward designed.

The yellow jacket is so bright that  makes me smile. Me and Winry head down to eat breakfast.

I see Edward and Alphonse are already sitting down I sit next to Winry I pour some cereal into a bowl and pour some milk. 

I hear someone sneak behind and they cover my face. 

"We're going to go see Bradley again and tell him to stay away from you." Edward says. 

I turn to see Edward's  face. "Oh, there's one more thing when you're in public you should stay to name Tabatha Gardner." I shake my head. 

"I'm done lying, I just want to use my real name." He puts his hands on mine. 

"It's for your safety please just go along with it until we're in the clear?" Edward says, promising that this last time for lying. 

"Fine!!!" We walk out of the house and head to Bradley's house.

 I notice that Edward is wearing his jacket as well.

 Once we reach house Edward rings the door bell. "Well, I have to run, see you later bye." But before I could make a run for it Edward stops.

"Look, I know you're scared but I'm here with you okay? There's nothing to be afraid of." I take a deep breath and wait for the open.

I suddenly once Edward is behind me now the door opens and I see the mustache man named Bradley. 

He lends me his hand and I take it then pulls me inside but he's  keeps a hold of arm(auto mail) arm.

 He tears it off me. I scream for Edward but he doesn't show up the only person who does show up is guy who is bald and has a big stomach. 

"Please you got help me I don't know where my friend is and this man strangling me." He begins to choke me.

"Alright Gluttony, let him out!!!" I saw the most horrible thing, Edward was covered in red. 

You mean that guy swallowed him or something. 

"Edward, wake up Ed please!!!" I see his eyes open slowly but Bradley is tightens his grip on me. 

"Now, the Full metal alchemist shall vanish same with lightning alchemist so we can put our plan into action!!!" 

We hear someone knock the door down. It's Mustang with his army.

"Men take King Bradley away for threatening a girl and attacking the Full Metal Alchemist." They hand cuff him down. 

"This isn't end off me you I will come and I will end all alchemy. You'll see!" Bradly says. 

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