Chapter 4. The truth comes out

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I'm still crying on my bed but then someone gently knocks on door and they come in. It's Winry. 

"It was that bet wasn't it?" Winry asks me.

 I shake my head. 

"No it wasn't that, it's just..." I hear another voice coming in the room. "It's just you never been here before and your  name really isn't Tabatha, is that it?" Edward.

Now I see Edward with his blonde hair, swaying with every step he makes. "Ed!!!"Winry says but I stop her.

 "No Winry it's alright, you don't need to worry." Winry looks at me and I feel doing something so clap my hands together and them on the floor.

 Then electricity is surrounding it and next thing I know there's a canon was in the room. They both look at me and I run down the stairs and I'm about to open the door open but then the lady catches me.

  Wish I could tell them truth. 

"Well where do you think you're going?" I look at her. "Anywhere but here." I say to her.

"I didn't introduce myself did? I'm Minako Rockbell, and you're Tabatha Gardner aren't you?" I  put my hand on knob I could just grab it and leave before Edward finds me.

 Alright that's the plan. 3,2,1. What, it's locked. No problem I just have unlock it but can't have Mrs. Rockbell see what I'm doing. "Can I ask you a question?" I say trying to make my voice sound natural. She nods.

  "Where is  Winry's parents? I know about Edward and Alphonse mother, but I never heard about her parents, and I'm guessing since your last name is Rockbell I'm betting your Winry's grandmother." 

She nods again. 

"I never told her the reason her parents never came back, it's because a patient they were treating killed them." I could see that Winry is listening too. 

"Well, it's best that you come out from hiding Winry." What how could she know where she is, she comes downstairs then looks at me.

"I want to know who you are right now." Winry says looking at me in the eyes. 

That it, I unlock door and open it then I see the man with the eye patch standing there but I don't look at  I just run away in to the woods. 

I hear Edward following. "Hey, come back. Come on lets go back." I put my hand on the ground in midair and I make a spear then I throw it and it hits Alphonse. 

I run back to see if he's okay. "Alphonse are you alright?" I ask him. "Yah, I'm fine." 

He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me to wall and asks me. "Is your name really Tabatha Gardner?" He ask me.

I look him. "What happened to your body?" I say changing the subject.

Before Alphonse could say anything the man with eye came behind and grabbed me.

"Well that enough talking for one day, Tabatha come with me." 

Now I'm in his car and there's another man in here too. He has jet black hair, no mustache or eye patch. Pale skin and dark eyes. 

"Sir, you brought a girl with you?" The man asks. He nodded.

"From this point forward she will be part of Military."

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