Chapter 17. Searching for Bithiah/Tabatha

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Edward POV

"Brother please, let's go look for her." Alphonse pleads. 

"Where do you think were going?" I say with no worry in voice. Besides once we get her back she might  tell us how she found herself in gate and it might help us to get your body back." I hear Alphonse's sound happy. 

"Yeah, that's the spirit. "We finally made it." I knock on the door but the door opens up by itself. "Empty! What the heck! No ones home." Alphonse looks around.

 "Brother I found a note." I read it in my head. Full metal I your friend Bithiah here, if you want her back then then give up this fight and let's get this over with. I'm in a  little red house just give up yourself up and release your friend. 

PS she's going to kill you.

"What does it say? Does it say anything about about Bithiah? Brother what's wrong what's the reason you're not answering me?" I turn to him.

 "Al, we have a problem come on." I tell him everything except the part where Bradley wants me dead. "Great!!! I will have to lead." I see Alphonse very happy I don't want ruin it. "Yeah, let's get going." I say as we start moving again.  

Tabatha P.O.V

I turn to see someone's face but it wasn't Edward. He looks at me. 

"Who are you? I mean for real. He turns to me and I suddenly freeze up. "The name is Envy. I just want be your friend." I look up at him and he smirks. 

"You're right." Then he suddenly puts his hands on my head and I feel my memories getting erased. The next thing I knew my head felt numb and I couldn't remember who I was.

The memories of a boy suddenly appeared in my mind. Who is he? I asks myself with confusion.

 The man looks at me at and says. 

"He's evil and so is tin can. Plus you want to know something? He pauses for a moment. You're the only person who can stop him." 

I suddenly feel rage inside of me.

 Then I smirk. "Alright I'll help you but I want what it he motive is?"  Envy nods and smiles at me.

 "Alright just need to know his name? His name is Edward if you were wondering. Envy says.

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