Chapter 21. Almost victorious

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Edward POV

"I don't know wouldn't she contact us by now?" I ask myself.

I can't tell if  Alphonse is thinking the same thing. "Brother I'm worried about her. What if Bradley has taken her hostage? What if Bradley did something to her? What if she been tortured?" Alphonse says thinking of all possibilities. 

"Stop it Al!!!  She going to alright." I say. "Yeah, okay." I hear him breath then we go see what's happening on Bithiah's post. Once we open up the rooftop we both see on ground.

"She had to overload the system but she got to close the machine." 

Well, now what it was me and Bithiah who were going to fight Bradley but now one of us are.

I stop thinking for a moment and I hear her voice. "Don't count out yet, thIs machine just a surprised but it didn't kill me." I see her standing up.

"Let's finish this Ed. I nod in agreement. 

"Al, stay on the roof where you can't be seen." Alphonse nods and back up. I on the floor of Bradley's house. We both hear his voice. 

"Hello Full metal, what a wonderful surprise find you." I slowly see her walk and stand next me. I see Bradley's face turn red. 

"How are you still alive?!?!" She starts speak up. "I knew you wanted me dead. You're not human are you?" I turn to face Bradley. "What are you trying to say?" I look back at her at. 

"You, Fuher King  Bradley is a homunculus!!!" It makes sense and yet I didn't think it would be possible. 

I see him rush towards Bithiah.  I have to protect her. Clap my hands together and slam them down on the ground. I make a maze. 

"What the heck Edward, now we're also trapped in here, genius." She says. I point to the hole on the roof. Alphonse makes a ladder for the both of us to climb. She touches my shoulder. "We should finish what we started." I put my hands on her shoulders. 

"I just want to protect you, I won't let you get hurt. She puts her head down.

Tabatha P.O.V

"You should know I been useless in past but now I want help end this fight." I finally tell him. 

"I don't want you to protect me I want you let help you... please." I see him put his down to let go of maze. 

We both see Bradley stand there on same spot he was before. 

Edward gets ready he makes a his blade on arm as usual again and I make my own blade from the ground and it was sharp too. 

"Let's do it!!!" While were rushing in full force we stopped abruptly by a man with golden hair then I notice how his hair looks similar to Edward's. 

Then my mouth shoots open to what I realized.

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