Chapter 14: Edward Part. Finding out

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I am still standing here in front of the door waiting and hoping that Bithiah didn't do anything dumb. 

I am hoping she coming straight home but of of course I was wrong, I open door the and slam it behind me and I start to run to Bradley's house.

  I'm behind Bradley's house and I see the two homunculus leading Bithiah inside. 

What going on here?

I don't get the reason they need her. I run inside and I see Bithiah holding a dagger in her hands. She turns to see me and she has scary face on.

She pointing the dagger towards me. There was something going on, what's the reason she tell me? I speak up. 

"Tabatha, what are doing?" She doesn't respond.

Bradley starts to speak up. 

"You can stop with act now, besides I already know her real name. Now Bithiah be a dear and slay Edward for me please?" The first time ever  I seen her controlled by Bradley. I see a tear fall down her face but she not moving maybe she trying to take control of herself again. 

I see the dagger going up and she stabs herself in the ribs. She turns to Bradley. 

"I am no longer your apprentice, so leave me alone because I will not work for you again. Also stay away from Edward if me and Edward are the key of taking you down then we will." That speech was amazing then I see something small pop out of the back of the Bithiah's neck. I hope that was the  end of that.

 I take her hand and we home together I turn to see Bradley's face and realized that he's not going to give up so easily.

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