Chapter 12: Edward's part. Apprentice part two

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My head is pounding for some reason but I know idea what. 

I don't even remember what happened.
Flash back

"You have stay here but I promise I be back to take care of you."
Flash back done. 

Is she coming back though. I see a figure walking in my direction. 

Is it Bithiah or is it someone else. Jet black hair. Wait Mustang?!!! 

"What are you doing here, Elric?" I stood up. 

"Well I could ask you the same question." I say to him. 

"You might want keep an eye on your friend. Let me see what was her name again? It started with T." 

"Tabatha. I say sarcastically. 

"That right, your friend has been acting unusual lately. She asking people for help to getting something out of neck." I looks at him. 

"Do you know what reason she acting that way?" He shakes his head and I start to think. 

That day she acting over dramatic. Flash back. "Bithiah are you okay. Winry tries speak her. 

She's scared. Minoko tries but she won't let anyone get near her, not even Alphonse. 

Flash back done. 

Is she afraid of something? I have know. 

I thank Mustang for information and I start run home and see if she there. I arrived by time the sun was set. I open the and she not sitting anywhere I ask Winry. 

"Where is she?" She looks at me. 

"Bithiah is upstairs in her bed. We tried to get her to relax but it was tricky but we were able  to get her into bed." I nod and head up to her bedroom. 

I see her asleep so I sit on edge of her bed and wait. 

Then suddenly I hear voices coming from her window I clap together and slam them on the floor making a barrier her I feel like she woke up from the noise but as long as she doesn't get out of bed she'll be fine for some reason I think they after Bithiah. 

The two strangers come into the light. Gluttony and and the other homunculus must be Lust. 

"Hello boy, we're to retrieve the girl. Lust says with a dark smile. I have to keep Bithiah protected from these two. 

But how will I do without backup I kind of out numbered.

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