Chapter 4 •• I'm Immortal

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Hi guys, thanks for reading!! Sorry for the late update, I've been busy 😅 Enjoy the chapter :3

Kirishima POV-

Someone's here...

My eyes burst open to the rising sun, shining into my cave. The light of a new day. I pull my blankets back to meet the cold crisp air. I inhale before standing to my feet and stretching my arms above my head.
"Let's get this over with" I sigh.
I take a step forward and feel my legs weaken. It's as if hundreds of weights had been suddenly dropped onto my shoulders.
"What the...?"
I take another step.
There's something wrong about this one.
With one hand clutching my racing heart, and the other using the cold cave wall to help me walk, I began making my way down the mountain.
I got halfway down the mountain, but I couldn't sense their presence. My heart keeps pounding harder and harder the closer I get.


I jump at the sudden sound and fell to the ground, hiding behind a close by tree. I slowly shift my position to peek past the tree.
My eyes landed on a boy.
It's like my heart stopped..
A boy with spiky ash blonde hair and red nose and cheeks from climbing, with soft rays of light shining through the trees and onto his face, bringing out his best features. He looked to be in his teens.
I sat there stunned.
How can a person be so...beautiful?
I finally allowed myself to breath again. I hadn't even realised I had been holding my breath.
I blinked once and when I opened my eyes, the gorgeous boy was looking at me.
Then I realised.
I wasn't wearing my mask or cloak.




My heart began racing again and the weight on my shoulders returned. My breathing came out rushed and uneven.
"The fuck are you? You trying to climb this mountain too?" The boy said, anger in his voice and eyes brows knitting together.
I don't know what to do.
What happening to me???

"Leave..." I said, gasping for air.
The boy stared at me, eyes opened wide.
"Are you...?"
Before he could finish, I disappeared, bolting up the mountain.
I made it to my cave, breathing hard, trying to slow my heart down. My vision slowly darkened and I fell into a deep slumber.

*time skip

I awoke to a cold cloth resting on my forehead and laying under my blankets in my cave.
I sat up rubbing my head and looked to the entrance of my cave. I gazed upon the blazing sun, now fully awake.
Probably been around 2 hours since I fainted.


The memories of this morning came flooding back to me.
What happened to that boy?
I frantically looked around my cave. I turned my head to the left and less than a meter away, sat a spiky blonde haired boy. He was sitting cross legged on the floor, with his hands in his knees, elbows sticking up and out, wearing a slightly shocked expression.
I panicked and scurried over to the other side of the cave.
He sat there unfazed at my sudden movements, staring me down.
A splash of pink dusted my cheeks and I heard my heart begin to start pounding again, but wasn't as fast or painful as before.
We sat in an unusually comfortable silence.
"What...are you...?" I whisper loud enough for the both of us to hear.
"A human" he replied, still unfazed, now Resting his chin on his hand.
"So, the almighty "demon" is just some teenage guy huh? How much trouble are people willing to go through just for some dumb prank?" He says calmly, eyebrows inches closer into a scowl.
I slowly stood on my feet and looked him in the eyes. Crimson meeting red. God his eyes are beautiful. I've never seen such a gorgeous crimson..
I was shocked, isn't he scared?
"Wow, gotta say, I'm impressed." I say, smiling to myself.
"By what?" He asks glaring at me.
"You're the first person in 300 years that made it to the top of this mountain or stood their ground while speaking to me." I said smirking, now leaning against the cold rock of the cave wall, with my arms crossed against my chest.
"Wait... so you're actually a demon?" He asks, clearly not buying it.
The boy scoffed.
"Knew it" he sighed.
"I'm immortal"
I replied to him, giving him a genually happy smile.
Wait.... I actually feel... happy..?

Word count- 774
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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