Chapter 31 •• New Start

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imagine eating coffee beans like it was cereal.



"We.. We need to have a chat.."

The room was still as the two boys eyes never broke contact. Kaminari was speechless, he had no way out, the room was small, the walls all painted black with a mirror on the left wall. The steel table and chairs almost as if it were made for confessions or interviews with... villains.

What was unknown to the two boys, was the glass mirror that held behind it, two heroes, listening and watching the two who stood in silence.

"Sit down." Kirishima spoke confidently, leaning back in his chair to cross his arms over his chest.

Kaminari hesitated for a second, questioning himself of the potential danger in front of him. Kirishima's eyebrows were arched, as if his temper was a thin line just waiting to snap.

Kaminari carefully moved forward, seating himself on the cold and hard steel chair.

"So. Talk. Where have you been for the past 483 years?"

Kaminari took an audible gulp.


"And where is around?" Kirishima leaned forward to lean his elbows onto the table.

"I don't know... everywhere i guess. Japan, America, Canada, Australia, heh spent a lotta time in Australia... I guess I've just been searching. Searching for.."

"The cure?"


They sat not looking at each other, instead their heads hung low in despair.

"You do know that... finding your soulmate won't cure you..."

"What?!" Kirishima shot his head up to look at the boy, abruptly standing from his seat, making it fall over.

"I mean... It's just so cliche y'know?"

"But it's what we were told!!!!"

"But we weren't ever told!"

"WE SAW!!!!!!"
"NO- Oh wait yeah that makes sense."

"BUT WHAT IF HE LIED?!" Kaminari screamed.



The two boys held eye contact with one another, what looked like to the heroes was a deathly glare was actually a playful one. The two boys erupted into laughter as they unknowingly had the most ridiculous argument ever.

They wiped the tears of laughter from their eyes before going back to serious mode *-*

"Okay but lets recap, what was her name? uhhhhhh, Aka- akaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, AKANI!! So,Akani was there when the exchange happened right? Because two of us were given it we were only given half her power. But she mentioned a weakness or fault to the 'curse', that only the truest form of love could wear the quirk away due to the feeling it causes!!!"

"That's true, was it just me or during the transition was Akani always really... depressed?"

"Now that you mention it yeah, even when patrolling at night she never showed any real expressions. That must be why 'love' is the answer to it, maybe she was born without emotions!!"

An Eternity Without You {KiriBaku, Soulmate AU}Where stories live. Discover now