Chapter 18 •• My Soulmate

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Hello again.

I have been extremely busy.

I am giving up study time to write you this chapter.


Kirishima POV-

"Will you join our Hero Academia at U.A High School?"


My heart felt as if it had actually come back to life.

Someone wants me..?

I could become a Hero..?

But... What if they're just luring me out..?

I hadn't even noticed the single tear that escaped my glassy eyes, swooning down my cheek.

"H....How could you trust me so easily..?" I sniffled, my face now seeking refuge behind my open palm, shielding my face from the heroes.

It was All Might to speak now.

"Young man... out of the 300 years you have stayed upon this mountain, not a single person has reached the top. Correct?"

I could do nothing but bring my other hand up to my head, my fingers rustling through my scalp as I nodded my head.

"The fact that Young Bakugo has been able to climb this mountain, and stay the night. Heck, even before that. There was never a reported case of the "demon" living upon Matrona Mountain ever hurting anybody. You fed Young Bakugo, made sure he was comfortable. And you even looked happy while he appeared."

I couldn't see myself but i knew that my face was a deep red.

"May I ask... Why Bakugo...?" Aizawa chirped in, now deeply invested into this conversation.

My heart felt as if it stopped. Could he tell them? But Bakugo's right here!!

My hand left my face as my eyes peered up and towards the skinny and frail man, as well as the sleep deprived hero.

"Mmmmm.... C-can I tell you..?" I whisper out, only looking at All Might and Eraser Head.

"Of Course my boy!!" All Might bellowed, now leaning forward.

"Well-" My eyes shifted over to Katsuki as he was leaning in, a look of interest on his face as he himself was trying to figure it out.

"C-Can i tell you over there..?" I whisper my eyes shooting back to my own hands as my finger awkwardly pointed to a random place in the distance.

"All Might, Eraser Head and Nezu all Exchanged looks before Aizawa was the one to speak up.

"You may tell All Might, Nezu and myself. Are you alright with this?"

"HEY! What about me?!" Midnight and Vlad both complained in unison.

"GET FUCKED! WHAT ABOUT ME???!!!" Katsuki screams louder than both of the heroes.

"LANGUAGE!" Aizawa bellowed before standing along with Nezu, All Might and Kirishima.

They all walked over to the entrance of the cave, standing outside of the darkness as Aizawa peered in.

"What's with all the junk..?" Aizawa asked as he peered into the pitch black.

"How can you see in there..? It's nothing but black.." I spoke up a little bit threatened.

"The bags under my eyes are gucci."


"So why Bakugo?" All Might stepped in, saving us from the awkward silence.

"Um.. W-Well.. You see..."

They all waited patiently for Kirishima to get his mind in the right place.

"H-He may b-be my s-soulmate..."


The heroes stood, their faces blank.

"Aren't you surprised?" I ask, nothing but confusion present on my face.

"No not at all. In fact, soulmates are quite common." Nezu spoke, knowledge he was blessed with adorning his soft voice.

"W-well.. the side effect of my immortality is that once i meet my soulmate... Well... I am no longer immortal."

"Wanna share a dorm with him?" All Might let out with a chuckle.

"TOSHINARI!" Aizawa screeched, elbowing him in the side.

Nezu only giggled, noting the information.

"Yes that would be amazing!!" Eijiro gasped, stars in his eyes, the heroes first time seeing the boys graceful and innocent smile.

"Haha, alright my boy, let's head back over to the others!!" All Might said, dragging his arm across Kirishima's shoulders, both of them now walking back to the group, the other two trailing behind.

"Hello!!!" Midnight singed as they slowly sat in there original places, Kirishima sat a little closer to Bakugo than before, their knees now touching.

"So Kirishima!" Nezu smiled.

"Will you join us at U.A?"

"Of Course!!"


Word count- 672

I know short as shit, I'm sorry.



Till next time :D

An Eternity Without You {KiriBaku, Soulmate AU}Where stories live. Discover now