Chapter 14 •• This Was Her Plan

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Ok so sudden motivation caused me to start writing this chapter.


Bakugo POV-

So warm.....

I awake from my long nights sleep but still choosing to remain with my eyes heavily closed, the blow up mattress had deflated a bit as I feel myself sink down into the bed as if I had become one with it.

I feel the sudden cold and crisp morning air bite at my arm as it falls to the side and off the bed. I quickly recoil my arm, tucking it back under the blanket with me and moving it to the unknown warmth beside me, dragging myself closer to it, wrapping my arms around it, embracing the heat and softness as it tickled my nose.

Wait what?

It smells so nice...

I cuddle my head further down into the soft unknown surface, my head fully laying down onto it.

"So softttttttttttttt......." I mumble out half asleep.


Did this shit just move?

Now suddenly a little more awake, I feel hot breath on my neck, as strong arms were curved around my tiny waist and my leg rested with someone else's.

I squint my eyes open and my gaze meets red.

Holy shit.

Am I in hell?

I look past the red and realise it


He was still asleep as my head rested upon his, his well built arms snaked around my waist, his face in my neck while one of my legs and both of his were intertwined.

My arms were rapped around his neck while one of my legs fell over his body and around his waist, while my other leg was held captive by both his.

Bright red raised up my neck and along my cheeks as i didn't move a muscle, afraid that he would wake up and i would ruin his peaceful slumber.

That's how i spent the next hour. Just staring at his peaceful sleeping face, and embracing his all to familiar warmth, as I once again, fall back to sleep with a smile etched onto my lips.

Kirishima POV-

I open my eyes as the rising suns rays lay onto my eyes, signalling the start of a new day. The fresh smell of firewood and cologne filled my nose.

Wait cologne?

I look up to where my face was rested, realising that my face was squished into Katsuki's neck as he cuddles up to me, his face resting above my head. My blood rushes as fast as a racing horse, causing my face to be as red as my hair. I stay in our current position, savouring the moment.


Katsuki starts to wiggle around a bit, his nose scrunching up, before he is still again, still sleeping.


I carefully untucked myself from Katsuki, making sure not to wake him. I pull myself successfully out of the bed and quickly wrap Katsuki up in the blankets so that he stays warm in the morning coolness.

"I'll make breakfast, but what should I make?"

I wonder over to my cave and look into a certain area that was off to the side of all the random crap that had piled up. This was the food area that was always left clean so that food stayed nice and fresh. I dig around and look for things i could use to make for breakfast. I finally find some blueberries i had picked from the stream a few days ago, as well as some strawberries. Once i had the fruit I wanted, I look around and find a container of pancake mix that was left as a gift as well as some honey. I grab a frying pan and walk back out and set everything down next to the died out fire. I jog over to the start of the forest and pick up any sticks, pine cones and logs that I could find, carrying them in my arms back over to the fire pit. I grab everything I need and in no time, the fire was crackling and burning at the thrown in logs, chipping away the loose splinters, covering the body in darkness. I use the same sticks from the night before as stands for the pot of soup, adjusting their positions so that the fry pan could be held over the fire, as i pour some fresh water into the bottle of pancake mix and shake until the white powder at the bottom has turned to liquid.

An Eternity Without You {KiriBaku, Soulmate AU}Where stories live. Discover now