Chapter 42 •• Home

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Bakugo POV-

Everything was dark, cold and brooding. Like light wasn't a thing, only darkness.

My body felt rigid and my joints felt stiff, like i was hit by a boulder.

Where am I? The last thing i remember is going to the raid... to save Eijiro.. and then..

My eyes burst open as i sat up in the bed i was layed in, stiff under its touch as my body screamed, my stomach shooting sparks of pain all over my body. My eyes carefully adjusted to the light as they searched the room, it was painted white, the only evident colour being blue from the bed sheets. a beeping monitor rested to my left as well as a wall of windows as the curtains were dragged in the wind. My head was pulsing and my feet felt weak.

Eijiro... did we save him..?

To my bodies distaste, i ripped the IV cord from my arm and tore the wires attached to the remote, painfully sliding myself to the edge of the bed and unhooking all of the wires to the wall, the beeping of the heart monitor went flat, but no noise emitted. Good thing i ripped the right wire.

I took a deep breath before standing on the soles of my feet, biting my cheek at the piercing pain coming from my stomach. I quickly took a peek through the top of the hospital night gown, seeing bandages and gauze's pressed firmly to my abdomen. I tsked, bit my cheek and wobbled to the closest wall as i used it to support my weight.

The door was besides me before i heard distinct chattering, only faint but there.

"Sir, i need you to follow me, Mr Kirishima is going out of control once more.." A man spoke, most likely a doctor as a distasteful groan came from the person sitting outside, Aizawa?

"Eijiro... they said Eijiro... was going out of control..?" I whimpered to myself as i slid the door open, watching the lump of black hair disappear around the corner. With a sigh i began to follow, limping down the halls as the skin of my feet met cold tile, the occasional glance from passing visitors in the hospital as i only spat a feral look. Thank God Aizawa was such a tired man, otherwise i wouldn't of been able to keep his pace. The further we walked the louder it was, the distant cries and angered screams emitting from the halls. Aizawa finally stopped outside of a door, ripping it open and stepping in as the doctor followed. I limped to the edge of the door where i listened.

"WHERE IS HE?!" A gruff voice demanded, filled with pain.

"He is healing, he's been asleep for 2 weeks now. We have told you this. You need to let him rest."

"NO, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!! I FUCKING HURT HIM! I-I HAve to find him.."His voice got quieter as it was filled with gentle tears as i found myself slightly tearing up. This voice, i knew this voice god fucking dammit!!

"Kirishima-" A doctor spoke, but he didn't finish as my body moved on it own at the mention of his name, slamming the door open on its hinges, using my forearm to lean against the door frame as i slightly panted from the effort it took. Wide eyes filled the room as they all connected to my weak figure as my eyes danced, trying to spot the person i was looking for. My eyes came to rest as it met the left side of the room, Eijiro stood next to the bed, a handcuff encasing his wrist to the metal post of the hospital bed frame.

"B-Bakugo?! Oh my deary you have to be resting!!" Recovery girl jumped from her chair as she hobbled over to me, slightly pushing against my leg, signalling me to leave as i stared down to her short figure.

"Katsuki!!" I heard Eijiro cry out to me as my gaze flew to meet his as he snapped the metal of the handcuffs from the bed, running towards me as i gently pushed recovery girl out of the way.

An Eternity Without You {KiriBaku, Soulmate AU}Where stories live. Discover now