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"So why exactly are we going into the real world?" I asked Haesul and Jinsoul.

"Because the last time it happened it didn't go well." Haesul answered.

"That was a month ago!" I groaned.

"Exactly, which is why we are now trying again." Jinsoul said.

"Where are we even going?" I asked.

"The police station." The two answered.

"Wait what?!" I exclaimed.

"Look, we are going to have you talk to Yoongi okay? I know how much you miss him, and he thinks you're missing." Haesul said, looking at me.

"Exactly, how am I supposed to explain I'm with a group of vampires now? That I'm a vampire now?" I asked.

"You don't have to. Just talk to him. You'll be fine." Haesul smiled at me.

"Fine." I nodded.

"Great! Let's go!" Jinsoul grabbed us both and walked out the door.

"By the way, you don't have to put on a disguise." Haesul said.

"I figured." I nodded.

We started walking towards the police station and I felt my nerves rising up through my skin. Once we arrived I stared at the building.

"Do you want us to wait out here or?" Jinsoul asked.

"Y-Yeah. You can wait here." I told them.

I walked inside the station and immediately looked at Yoongi's desk, seeing him sitting there, clearly looking tired.

I cleared my throat before looking at him. "Uhm, Y-Yoongi oopa."

Yoongi's head shot up as he looked at you, he blinked before rushing up and hugging you. "Y/n! Oh my gosh, you. You're alive!" 

"Hi to you as well." I chuckled.

"I have been trying to look for you since you went missing." Yoongi muttered.

"I understand, I'm sorry. Look, I can't stay here for long but I wanted to tell you that I'm okay." I smiled at him.

"Who are they out there?" He pointed to Haesul and Jinsoul.

"They're a couple of my friends, don't worry about it." I told him.

"Okay, gosh I'm so happy to see you again." He smiled.

"Me too." I smiled back at him.

'You really think he's going to believe you?' A male's voice asked

'Who the hell are you? ' I asked

'You really don't remember me darling?' He asked

'Taeyong.' I growled.


I rolled my eyes and looked back at Yoongi. "I know who took me."

"Who?!" Yoongi asked.

"A guy named Taeyong."

"Lee?" Yoongi asked.

I nodded. "Red hair, slightly muscular."

"Yeah I know him, we'll find him and he should be locked up in no time." Yoongi said.

"Thank you, oppa. I have to go now but I'll see you later." I smiled at him.

"You too, Y/n." Yoongi smiled and walked back to his desk.

I walked out of the station and looked at Jinsoul and Haesul.

"Taeyong just tried to talk to me." I told them.


"Yeah, but I told Yoongi oppa, do we have anything else to do out here?" I asked.

"Well there is one thing, but that's only if you really want to do it. I mean it's if we have no other food so it's a survival thing." Jinsoul said.

"It better not be what I think it is." I said.

"It is." Jinsoul nodded.

"Fine." I sighed.

"Ya know when you said we were, ya know feeding off from people. I didn't expect it to look like this!" I exclaimed.

"Well what did you think it was going to look like?" Jinsoul asked.

"Not a torture dungeon!" I yelled out.

"Oh calm down, it's not a torture dungeon." Jungeun walked behind you. "Now all you have to do is extract your fangs, bite the person's neck, suck the blood, then pull away."

"Fine. Are they alive?" I asked.

"Of course not, well, a few are." Jungeun said.

"I'm not killing a live person!" I exclaimed.

"You won't kill them. Well you might, but hopefully not. Now go to work!" Jungeun pushed you.

I glared at her and looked at the bodies in front of me, I sighed before extracting my fangs and crouching down. Looking at the body I leaned toward the man's neck and bit into it, before sucking up the blood that remained in his body.

Pulling away the body dropped limp.

"See? It wasn't that hard now was it?" Jungeun said.

"I guess." I muttered.

"Go to the next, she should be alive." Jungeun added.

I nodded subtly before taking a breath, just as I leaned towards the girl's neck her eyes opened, looking at me. "Please...Don't."

I felt my fangs grow out more and my vision going red before smirking, "You should've stayed asleep." I said before sinking my fangs into her neck. She yelled out in pain and tried to push me off her before falling limp.

I pulled away and retracted my fangs, standing up and looking at Jinsoul and Jungeun.

"Well that went well." Jungeun said.

"Surely did." Jinsoul smiled.

"Can we go back now?" I asked.

"Sure." The two nodded.

I nodded subtly before walking up the stairs and back into the house, immediately going into my room.

"Y/n? Can we talk for a second?"

My Vampire Love | S. HyejuWhere stories live. Discover now