Chapter 1: The Arrival

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The story begins with Katelyn, lying in her bed, waiting for a distant friend's arrival. "I can't wait," she says. "He's staying for his entire summer vacation!" She grabs her phone and starts to dial his number. She calls. beep, beep, beep, "Nothing." She sighs. "Why the hell wont he answer?" knock, knock, "hello? Kate?" The door to Kate's bedroom starts to creak open. "Hey Kate," "Hey Karina, what's up?" Karina is Kate's older sister: "someone is here to see you. He's downstairs." Karina smiles as she exits the room. Kate gets up in a quick panic. "He's here! He's here!" She says. She puts on her sweater, and starts to burst down the door and down the stairs, only to see her boyfriend. "Oh, hey babe." She starts to look a bit disappointed. "Hey, what's wrong? It's the start of summer vacation. Why the long face?" "Oh, sorry Braden. I was expecting somebody. "Who is it? A relative?" "He's a friend, That I haven't talked to in about four years. He's coming back to spend his summer vacation here all the way from Arizona." "I see," Braden says. He starts to sit Kate on the couch with him right next to her. He puts his arm around her shoulders, and says, "this friend of yours, what's his name?" Then the doorbell starts to ring.
          Ding Dong Ding Dong "omygosh omygosh omygosh!!!" She screeches. "He's here!" She jumps from the couch, and sprints for the door. She begins to open the door. She can't believe her eyes. "Ralph!!! It's really you!" He gives her a long awaited hug. "Yeah. It's been a while." AHEM. Ralph turns around. "Oh, who is this?" And points to Braden. "Oh it's just my boyfriend. Haven't I told you?" Ralph walks towards Braden, and extends his arm. "Nice to meet you." Braden gets up in response and shakes Ralph's hand. "Likewise." Kate starts to say- "sweet! Y'all are getting along just fine. Hey Ralph! Wanna go out?" Ralph turns around. "Sure." He replies. Then he turns back around to Braden. "Wanna tag along?" "Nah, nah, I don't want to intrude. I bet you two have some catching up to do." "Suit yourself." Ralph smiles. He walks back up to the doorway where Kate is standing. He puts her arm around her. "Let's go." Kate smiles and looks at Braden. "I'll see you later babe, maybe tonight." Then the door starts to close. Leaving Braden in an empty house.

          "So how is your life in Arizona?" Kate asks as the two walk to Ralph's car. "Eh, it's not as great as it is here in Springville. Our family is pretty isolated from many areas." "Wow, that's pretty sad." "It's not all bad though, plenty of fresh air and no distractions from school." "I see. Where are you staying?" The two get into the car. Ralph takes the wheel and starts reversing onto the main driveway. "I'm staying at Daniel's house, but I most definitely will sleep over at other friend's houses. Where do you wanna go?" Kate wonders for a bit. "How about a mall? Have you been to central square mall?" "Of course!" Ralph says in return. "Don't you remember before I moved to Arizona we always hung out at the children's playground near the food court?" "My goodness, I almost forgot. It was so long ago, I can't believe you remembered!" Ralph starts to pull into a highway. "Just about a couple more minutes until we're there." Kate looks at Ralph. "Gosh you have gotten so tall! You have become taller than me!" Ralph swerves the car a bit. "You look even more beautiful now than you did before I left." He turns his head and looks at Kate for a split second. "HAHA lol just kidding. I'm not over here to get my ass beat by your boyfriend." Kate smiles. "Nah, Braden would never hurt anyone. He's a kind soul." "Hey! Looks like we're here!" Ralph says as he pulls the car toward the entrance of the huge mall.
          Ralph pulls into an empty parking spot, and the two get out of the car. As the two make their way into the entrance of the mall, Kate asks Ralph- " are YOU currently seeing anyone?" "Nah, I'm saving my first girlfriend for later. I can't make wrong decisions now." "I see." The two enter the mall and make their way too the food court. They make their way up to the escalator, and as they reach the top, they meet a familiar face. "Hey! It's been a while!" Ralph calls out. "Hey! What's up!" The person says. Ralph and the person exchange a handshake. Ralph says, "Red! How have you been?" "I've been doing fine, but I just broke up with my girl friend for the 2nd time, but all is well." "Who are you with?" Kate asks. "I'm with my brother, but he's over at the playground around the corner. I'm just getting some coffee. Since when were you in Texas all of a sudden Ralph?" "I just got here." Ralph replied. "I'm staying at Daniel's for the time being." "Well then you should definitely stay at our place sometime. Jacob is getting annoying to be around." "Great! Well, till later red. Me and Kate have some stuff to do." "Alrighty then," Red nods. "I'll get going. Catch you later!" "See ya!" Then Kate and Ralph walk away. But as Kate turns around for a final wave at Red, she sees his eyebrows nod up and down with a clear smirk in his face. Kate scrunched up her face with a disgusted look, and turns back around to where she was walking.
"Wanna get some bubble tea? Ralph asks. "Sure!" Kate nods. "What flavor do you want?" "How about strawberry?" "Great!" Ralph walks up to the ordering station and says- "two small bubble teas, please. Strawberry." The cashier replies, "that will be 7 dollars and 25 cents." "Shit," Ralph replies. "I only have 4 dollars in cash." Kate says, "don't look at me, I don't have any money in me!" Ralph turns back to the cashier. "Okay. Let's make this order, One large bubble tea." He gives the 4 dollars to the cashier and grabs his receipt. "But Ralph, what are you drinking?" Kate asks. "Who said this bubble tea is yours? We're sharing."

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