Chapter 14: Betrayal

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          Randall holds his cheek and says, "wow, a punch all for a girl you never got fair and square? Ha, you're just jealous because you didn't get Gabby the way you wanted to." Troy inches towards Randall again, and attempts to punch, but Randall catches the punch and twists his arm. Red Ralph and Daniel try to pull Troy away from Randall, but Troy let's go and kicks Randall straight in the balls. Gabby gasps, then Kyrie motions for the girls to go to her room. Kate gabby and kyrie head straight to Kyrie's room away from the fight. Gabby begins to tremble as kyrie closes the door. "Why is Troy so mad? He's the one who told the lie!" Kate looks at her sister. "Because he got exposed. He's now seeing how Randall felt when Troy took you."
          Troy strikes Randall multiple times as he's down. Ralph yells. "Troy! H-he's turned crazy!" Red grabs an empty beer bottle from off of the dining table  and begins pounding in the back of troys  back. Troy yells "ow!" And turns around to Ralph and red in their fighting positions. Troy attempts to kick red, but Ralph blocks him and flips Troy on his back. Randall gets up, and sits back at the side. Daniel tells Ralph, "DUDE! Quit it! You're fighting inside Kyrie's house!" Ralph nods and runs outside. Red follows behind. Daniel helps Randall up and they go outside as well. Troy smiles. "You can run, but you can't FIGHT!" Troy runs outside only to see Ralph and red block his way. "Quit blocking me. I need to fight Randall. Not you two bitches,"
          Red says, "whoa whoa whoa you call me a bitch you call ALL of us a bitch." Troy smiles and says, "ha! A kid like you can't do nothing to me, so why should i be worried?" Red smiles a twisted smile. "Let's just see about that." Ralph throws a punch at troys face, and Troy thrusts back. Red throws the empty beer bottle at Ralph, and he catches it, and hits it on troys back multiple times. Ralph throws the bottle back at Red and red catches it. Ralph walks up to Troy on the ground, and says "you really have gone crazy, haven't you?" Red turns around and sees a familiar face. "RALPH! LOOK OUT!" Braden kicks Ralph in the back, and Ralph falls forward, landing on the side of the curb. Randall sees the commotion and says, "where the fuck did Braden come from?!" He gets up and takes Braden's collar by the neck, and pounds his face three times. The sun begins to set as Ralph and Troy lay in the ground defeated, but Randall Red and Braden still standing up, Daniel, runs back inside the house, alerting Kate gabby and kyrie that the fight has been taken outside.
          Braden strikes Randall in the chest, but Randall doesn't feel it. Randall kicks Braden back in the abdomen. Braden says: "you sure are a damn good fighter!" Randall smiles. "The fight would have ended if I were there with Ralph at the mall." Randall trips Braden, and he ends up on the floor. Randall and Red are the only ones left standing up. But the two notice that Troy slowly gets up, and he strikes Randall in the back of the head. He kneels quickly in pain, and says. "That's what you get for taking my girl." Red gets infuriated once more, and throws the empty beer bottle at the side of troys head. "And that's what you get for calling me a bitch."
          Daniel helps Randall up while Red helps up Ralph. The four walk back in the house. Kate Gabby and Kyrie rush to their aid. "Did you win?" Kate asks. "Are you okay?" Gabby says. Ralph and Randall show their bruises. Kate immediately says, "I don't even know where Braden came from, but the three of us were watching through the window. We didn't see all of it, but we saw part of it. Ralph nods slowly. Cuts and bruises were visible on his face. On the other hand, the back of Randall's head looking badly bruised, Gabby feels it, Randall exhales really slowly, looking defeated. Red sighed,  "yeah, we won." Kyrie asks "where are the two assholes?" Daniel looks out the window. "They're gone. They probably left because they lost." Daniel smiles. "It's only been like your third day here!" Ralph gets up and puts his arm around Kate. "Ahhh, I'm feeling fine now, now that I'm here with you. He kisses Kate on the cheek. He let's go, and walks up towards Randall, still sitting on the ground. "You good man?" Randall nods. Sighhhhh, "I'm fine."

The Next Morning
          Daniel walks into the guest room, to see Ralph Randall, Kate, and gabby still asleep. He walks back outside into the living room where Red and Jacob are. "The four of them are still asleep." "Cool." Red says. He picks up the tv remote and starts scrolling through Netflix. "Wanna leave the four to rest and go to central square now?" Daniel asks. "Sure!" Red says. Daniel opens the front door and red and Jacob follow. The three reach the bus stop and wait for about 5 to 10 minutes before the bus arrived. As the bus got there, the three walk in and pay their fare.
          The bus reaches the mall and the three get off. They enter and make their way to the food court. But Jacob sees a toy store and motions the two to go with him. Red says "HEEEEEEEEEELLLLLL NAW we came here to eat, dude." Daniel says, "Why don't I go with Jacob to the toy store for like 5 minutes while you find us a table at the food court." "Fine," Red says. "But be quick." Jacob runs to the toy store and Daniel follows. Red makes his way to the food court but sees someone walking his way. Someone he has never seen before. "Are you Richard?" "Who wants to know?" Red asks. "The names Nicholas. I hear you're dating kyrie," Red scrunched his eyebrows. "Why you all up in my business like that?" Nicholas smiles. "You don't know me? I'm Kyrie's ex boyfriend."

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