Chapter 8: Confrontation

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Kyrie's face turns glowing red with the mark of Annie's slap, then she takes off her sweater. She tells Red, "hold this," hands the sweater to red, then she swings. She punches Annie square in the face, and she falls on the floor. Kyrie says "looks like I COULD do something about it, huh?" Annie begins to get up, then she kicks Kyrie in the stomach. Kyrie thrusts back, then she throws. She strikes three times, each at the face. she misses the first two, but squares the third on her mouth. Daniel takes quick action and runs to kyrie and pulls her away from the mess she created. Annie laughs, "HA! You need your brother to help you out and stop fighting, what a poser! Kyrie lets go of Daniels grip, and side kicks Annie on the chest. Annie hits a nearby table and stays on the ground. "Don't bother Red again," Kyrie says as she points at her face. "Matter of fact, don't even speak to Red from now on." Annie gets up, with a bruised mouth, and leaves the scene. Daniel and red look at each other. Daniel winks at Red. "Shut the fuck up, Daniel." Red begins to blush. Ralph finds Daniel with Red and Kyrie. "Hey Red! Hey Kyrie! Nice seeing you two here! Damn, kyrie you certainly look beat up. "What happened?" Red smiles then takes Kyrie's hand. "A lot happened." Kyrie begins to blush. Ralph shrugs.
          Daniel and Ralph reach the car outside of the mall, and Ralph starts the car. "We're going to Troy's house now." Ralph says. "Wait, I thought you Randall and Troy are not in speaking terms?" Ralph shrugged. "Well, yeah, but I just need to get some business settled first."

Kate and gabby silently scroll on their phones as the sun begins to set once again. Gabby looks up at Kate. "What are you gonna do now? You can't just let Braden get away with this. You need to take action. You can't just sit aside and watch all this. Be a part of it, you know? Take it from me. Randall told a lie to me, Troy stayed by my side, and look. Randall is now at a loss." Kate nods. "You're right. I can't just sit aside like a little girl." Kate gets out of bed, puts on her jacket, and heads towards the bedroom door. "Gabby, I'll be right back." "Where are you going?" "I'm paying a visit to Braden's house."

Ralph and Daniel finally arrive at Troy's house. "Daniel, why don't you stay here in the car for this one, will you? I'm just gonna have a quick discussion with Troy." "Sure, okay." Daniel says confused. Ralph gets out of the car, and knocks on the door. Troy opens the door. "Hey Ralph! It's been a while!" "Sup Troy." Ralph says. "How's your relationship with Gabby?" Troy is silent. "I haven't forgotten, Troy. The lie, the way you manipulated her, the way you made her fall for you. I haven't forgotten" Troy laughs. "What's so funny? You think it's cool to lie to your girlfriend about what happened continuously for the past 4 years?" Troy shakes his head. "Randall is my best friend, and Gabby was worth it. Trust me." "Look at you and Kate. You two were always meant for each other. Just hope that Braden doesn't fuck your girl up." Ralph glares. "True, but that's my business and my business alone. Don't interfere. Gabby will eventually find out the lies you told her to get her trust, and we'll see who gets the last laugh. Catch you later, Troy." Ralph walks away form troys front door, and back to the car. Ralph opens the drivers door, sits down, and. Takes a deep breath. "You good, dude?" Daniel asks. "Yeah, yeah. Im fine thanks. Final stop for the day," Ralph says, "is Julian's place. I need to see how he's doing." "Nice thinking." Daniel answers. "I'm curious for myself."

Ding dong ding dong Kate waits outside Braden's house patiently in the chilly cold night. Braden opens the door. "Hey babe! What are you doing here?" "Can I speak with you for a moment?" "Sure." Kate enters the house and the two sit at an empty table. "I heard you threatened my friend." Kate says unhappily. "Whatever anybody tells you," Braden answers. "Don't believe them. Because it's not true." "I didn't believe my sister when she first told me as well. But none of my family and friends will tell me if something is not true, especially with something serious as this." "So you will trust your friends over your partner?" Kate nods. Braden's eyes narrow. "Look, Kate. You know I am not a jealous person. But can you do me one small favor?" "What do you want me to do?" "I don't want you to see Ralph again for the entire summer. Please." Kate stands up from her chair. "I can't believe this. I can't believe you would tell me to stop seeing a friend that I haven't spoke to in the last four years all because of your damn jealousy!" She takes her purse, walks towards the front door, "see you later, Braden. I'll see you later." Then she leaves.

          Ralph and Daniel arrive at their final destination, Julian's place. It wasn't that hard to find since it's right next to Kyrie's house. Ralph pulls up at the house, and the two get off. They see the singed 2nd floor of the house, and Daniel knocks on the door. Ralph notices that all of the damage on the house had stayed since the day before. The broken window, everything. Julian opens the door. "Oh, hey guys. Nice seeing you." Ralph and Daniel smile. "How are you doing?" Daniel asks. "Are you doing alright?" Julian tears up. "No." "What's wrong?" Ralph asks. "Where are your parents?" Julian answers. "They're operating on her." "oh, is that why you're so down?" "T-they were operating her for such a long time." Julian looks down, defeated.

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