Chapter 7: Empty Threats

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"So Gabby and Randall's past relationship, huh?" Daniel nods. "See, You know how Gabby and Randall were meant to be soulmates and all that bull crap?" "Yeah," "you know how the two were dating before we left to Arizona?" "Yeah no, I still don't know why they split up. Long distance relationships are a thing you know?" "You're right, but Randall broke up with Gabby because she started to have an eye for Troy, Remember? Ever since he moved into Garland as the new kid, Randall and Troy were great friends. Then Troy double sided Randall with a lie and gabby ended up having a bad impression on him. She was basically told a lie and since has been on Troy's side." "Ohhh, so that's why Randall is single now, all because of that incident?" "Right. I don't think Gabby even knows Troy double sided her, so she probably still is dating Troy. Randall and I tried to explain to gabby that Troy is a liar, but she doesn't believe us." "Damn, I never knew Troy would do that to his best friend for a girl." "For real. She got manipulated."

Ralph enters the mall parkway, and finds a parking spot to stay in. The two get out of the car, and enter the mall. "Great, the mall looks empty today." Ralph says. "Where do you wanna eat?" "You go ahead and find something to eat, I need to use the restroom real quick." Daniel walks away. Ralph walks around for a bit, and finds the food court. He then sees Braden at a table by himself on his phone. Shit, Ralph thought, that guy's here. Ralph attempts to walk past him incognito, but Braden catches his eye. "Heeeeyyyyy! Ralph my boy!" "What's up?" Ralph says calmly. He heads over to Braden's empty table and takes a seat in front of him. "Look. You probably know Kate more than I know her. But can you do me one favor?" "What is it?" Ralph asks confused. "Back off." Braden's face begins to look serious. "I heard about the fire that happened at your friend's place, and I heard about the rescue you made at the fire, but I think I know what you're trying to pull." Ralph's eyes narrow. "What are you trying to say, buddy?" "I'm trying to say, quit trying to impress my girl, and LAY. OFF." He points his finger toward Ralph's face. "I don't want you seeing her for your entire trip, hear me?." Ralph says begins to look furious. "Look here, pal. Kate is my friend, and I'm not gonna let some ballsack of a boyfriend keep me from seeing her. You can't do anything about it. You over protective bastard." Braden scoffs. "Just wait, you will regret saying those things." He stands up from his seat, gives Ralph one last glare, and walks away.
Daniel walks to Ralph's table and sits where Braden was sitting. "Damn, that was harsh." "Yeah. How long were you watching?" "I was watching since you sat down. The food court isn't that far from the bathroom." Ralph nods. "No matter how much that crackhead threatens me, I am not going to leave Kate's side. Not until I go back." Daniel smiles. "Damn this is becoming a drama."

Kate finally reaches her home after hours of church input. "Finally, I can hang with Ralph!" She whispers in delight as she hops out of her car, and into her house. She sees her sister in the living room, reading a book. Gabby looks at Kate. "We need to talk." Kate and gabby make their way to Kate's room. Gabby closes and locks the door. "Okay, so, Daniel just texted me about 20 minutes ago, and told me he and Ralph saw Braden at the mall today." "Oh, lucky! Ralph and Daniel were at the mall!" "No, that's not the point. Braden threatened Ralph, Kate. Braden threatened Ralph." "Haha! Very funny. Braden would never do such a thing to my friend." "Katelyn. Braden threatened Ralph. He's pissed now." "Come on, Gabby. Be serious. You KNOW Braden wouldn't do such a thing." "And I KNOW that Daniel wouldn't lie. Especially with something serious like this." Gabby looks at Kate. "Cmon. Think about it. How suspicious have you been about Braden ever since Ralph arrived yesterday?" Kate frowns. "Very suspicious."

          Daniel comes back with two bags in his hands. He sets them on the table in front of Ralph. "Here, I got us some McDonald's." "Thanks." He opens the bag and takes out a burger. "Ralph?" Daniel asks. "Do you think Kate will believe me when I say Braden threatened you?" "I don't think so. They're a couple. She won't believe us when we say I got threatened by her own man." Daniel and Ralph proceed to eat their food. "I don't know what to do now man." Ralph sighed. "That bitch is probably with Kate right now. Not letting her away from his sight." The two finish up their meal, and Daniel takes the trash and throws it away. "Wanna go now?" Ralph nods. He gets up, and the two go down the escalator.
       As Ralph and Daniel head for the exit of the mall, Ralph says "be right back dude, I need to use the restroom real quick." Daniel walks to a nearby Apple Store and begins to look around at phones. Then he sees Kyrie. "Hey kyrie!" Daniel yells, kyrie spots Daniels eye and waves back. Daniel walks up to where Kyrie is standing, then asks- "what are you doing he-" "wait hold up-" Kyrie says "that's Red!" She begins to smile. Daniel turns around to see Red walking towards the Apple Store, and to his surprise, with a girl. "Um, kyrie? Do you know that girl RED's with?" Kyrie's smile begins to fade. She walks up to red and the girl. Red says- "hey Kyrie-" the girl speaks out of turn. "Richard, who is she?" Red answers confidently, "this is Kyrie, my best friend." "Well I hope you aren't thinking of letting her barge into our date," "NO, I AM NOT ON A DATE WITH YOU." Red yells. "If I've told you once, I told you 10 times to STOP FOLLOWING ME." "But red," Annie begins to whine. "I can't just leave you here alone," Kyrie begins to glare ate Annie. "If Red tells you to leave him alone, then leave him alone." Annie smirks. "You can't do anything about it, because you're not the boss of me." Red looks at Kyrie with a promising look. Kyrie looks at red, then back at Annie. "Go. The fuck. Away." Annie's Mexican face begins to turn red, then out of nowhere, she slaps Kyrie.

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