Chapter 17: Jealousy

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Ohhhh, you have a crush on me?
Yeah, I've had it for a while.
Sorry to break it to you but,
Never mind.
Wanna come over tomorrow to my house?
Sorry, I have plans
It's okay, when are you free?
Probably all next week.
Okay, see you then!

          Red puts his phone back in his pocket, as he and Jacob get off of Randall's car. "Thanks for the ride!" Jacob says. "Sure, anytime." Randall answers back. Red and Jacob wave at the car as he sees them drive away from the neighborhood.
Randall looks at Gabby next to him in the front seat, and Daniel back in the passenger. "How long has Kate and Ralph been out there?" Daniel answers, "I don't know, but Kate texted me at sundown." Gabby says, "it was really chilly today, I'm afraid either Kate or Ralph will have a cold." Randall nods.

          Kate makes a final turn towards Daniel's house. They arrive first. As Kate drives up to Daniels garage way, she turns off the car and turns to Ralph, asleep right next to her. She lifts up her hand and strokes the top of Ralph's hair, multiple times. Kate whispers, "were here. Wanna get up?" Ralph opens his eyes slowly and nods. "Yeah, let's go in." The two get out of Ralph's car and make their way inside the house. Kate turns the living room light on as Ralph sits on the couch. He holds his head. "Man, I have a headache." Kate sits right next to him, "are you okay? Do you need anything?" Ralph shakes his head. "I'm- I'm good." He lies his head down on her lap. Kate holds his hands feeling the cold as Ralph begins to shiver.
The door opens. Randall Gabby and Daniel walk in to see Kate and Ralph sleeping on the living room couch. Daniel turns the lights on and Kate and Ralph jump up in a startle. Kate says in shock, "what the hell?! You scared us!" Ralph smiles in hesitation. "You mean they scared YOU." Kate lightly punches his arm. Gabby smiles. "Why don't you too sleep early tonight? In the guest room?" Daniel and Randall start laughing. Kate blushes. Then turns to Ralph. He says "well it isn't a bad idea, I AM tired." Kate blushes even more. "Fine!" She yells in defeat "let's go." She begins to walk towards one of the rooms, grasping Ralph's right hand.
Ralph closes the door behind him the lights aren't to be seen. Kate says in the darkness, "my phone is dead and there are no lights, leave the door open." Ralph smiles a smile that can't be seen. And then says "I'm not tired." Ralph takes a quick last glimpse of light before pushing Kate onto the bed.

A few days have passed by, and we see Red with Kyrie at central square mall. Red proceeds to look around various stores as always, dragging Kyrie along though it should be the other way around. They enter urban outfitters to look at hoodies. Red grabs Kyries hand, and asks her, "wanna eat after this?" Kyrie nods and smiles. Red looks straight forward and the biggest shock in his eyes. Red let's go of Kyries hand. And looks at Liv with teary eyes. "W-why didn't you tell me?" Liv said with shivers. Red stutters "I thought what you didn't know won't hurt you." Liv shakes her head angrily and walks past Red and Kyrie towards the exit. But as she walks towards the exit, she shoves her shoulder into Kyries. Kyrie stumbles back. Nearly falling, but maintains her balance, she turns around with anger and confusion. She looks at Red, and says "Ima be back." She gives Red her phone and sweater from her hands, and walks toward the exit.
          "Liv!" She yells "what the hell?!" Liv turns around to see Kyrie alone and in anger. "What the hell is your problem?! You got a crush on red or something?!" Liv drops her bag. "Why don't you mind your own damn business?! What's it to you wether I like him or not?!" "What's it to me?!" She yells back, "what's mine is mine, and I'm not gonna let a jealous rat take that away from me!" "Whatcha gonna do about it!?" Liv threatens. Kyrie walks up to Liv and grabs her by the collar. There is no one around to stop a fight this time. Kyrie let's go of her collar and shoves Liv onto the floor. Liv begins to tear up even more, then gets up. She punches Kyrie in the face. Kyries face glows red, and grabs Liv by the hair and pulls her down to the ground. Kyrie then proceeds to continuously kick her to the point where live yells "okay! okay! I give up." "KYRIE!" Red yells from a distance. Kyrie turns around to see him rushing towards Liv to help her up. "Why did you do that?" Red asks. "You're being such a bitch!" Kyrie horrifically watches as Red helps Liv from the ground and says, "go, I can handle this. We'll talk later." Liv doesn't hesitate and leaves straight away." Kyrie tries to argue back, "what do you mean why did I do this? Couldn't you see that she was tryin to steal you from me?!" Red says "DAMN RIGHT I COULD! But you didn't have to beat her ass for something as small as that. I could've handled that part myself." "Well is it my problem that I was trying to keep you from the wrong people?" "Yeah, from now on, I'm gonna keep myself from the wrong people. Bye bitch." Red throws her things onto the ground and leaves the area. Leaving Kyrie alone without anybody.

          Randall and Gabby leave Daniel's house to spend some time with each other. They go to the movies to watch The Lion King. They get out of the car and enter the building, and walk in to see a full house of people. They enter the screening room and sit down thin their chairs, but as the movie started, one last person filled the empty seat next to Gabby, she looks to her left and looks at Randall. "Randall?" She asks wierdly, "what is Troy doing here?"

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