Chapter 13: The Process

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          Ralph gets up to see the crowd of people around him gone, but Randall gabby and Red next to him. "Wh-what happened?" Ralph asks. Gabby says, "Braden took a toll on you. He knocked you out clean." Ralph looks down, defeated. Randall looks infuriated. "That bitch. If he hadn't left before Gabby and I got here, I would've ended his life right then and there." Red says in reply. "I should've done something, I should've told him to stop, but he was too intimidating." Ralph smiles, "it's alright." He gets up, and holds the back of his neck. "It doesn't seem to hurt anymore, cmon guys, let's go."

Hey Daniel.
Hey Red, wyd?
I'm in Ralph's car, we're going to Kyrie's place.
I'm here now, babysitting her and Kian again.
Cool. just a while ago, Ralph and Braden had a fight.
Dude, he kicked Ralph's ass. He hit him in the back of the neck.
Is Ralph okay?
Yeah, he's fine now, but if you saw his face when after he left,
Damn. That's tough.
Randall and gabby are coming too. the four of us are coming from central square.
Can't believe the two would fight though. Who started it?
Braden did. He legit dragged Ralph outside the jewelry shop.
So he beat his ass out in the open?
We're out in Kyrie's driveway now btw. Can u let us in?

Red and Ralph get out of Ralph's car, while Randall and Gabby get out of theirs. The four of them walk up to Kyrie's front door only to see Daniel open it. "Hey guys. Come inside! The four walk inside and Kyrie stands up from the living room floor. Red catches her eye and motions her to his direction. Kyrie gets up and goes to Red. She whispers, "my room?" Red nods and the two make their way.
Ralph, gabby and Randall sit on the surrounding couch of the living room. Daniel picks up Kian and puts him on his lap. "Hey Ralph" Daniel says sympathetically, "I heard that you got your ass beat fighting Braden." Ralph says "Yeah. I underestimated that bastard. He was actually tougher than he looked."

         Red sits down at Kyrie's desk area, and Kyrie sits on her bed. "What do you wanna do?" Kyrie asks. "I'm bored." "Hold up a second, Kyrie I need to use the restroom for a bit." He walks out of the room, but doesn't notice his phone missing. He leaves it on the desk where he is sitting at. Kyrie gets up, and slyly takes the phone and sits back on the bed. She punches in the password and sees an array of apps wielded before her. First, she goes to TikTok to check out some dead memes. But as she scrolls through the pages, she sees Annie's short videos. And with those short videos, a like. On every single one. Even the most recent one which was half an hour ago. Kyrie's eyes widen. "What the hell," she whispers, "what's all this?" Red walks back into the room, curious to see why kyrie has his phone. "Why do you have my phone?" Red asks. Kyrie puts the phone down. "You left it in here on accident I just wanted to hack your snapchat." "Alright." Red says in reply, but as Red takes his phone back, he saw no sign of a hack on his snapchat account.

The doorbell rings, and Daniel opens the door. "Hey Kate" he says. Kate says hi back, but with a worried expression on her face. "I heard the bad news" she says, Daniel nods. "Come on in." Kate walks into the living room to see Ralph Gabby and Randall looking defeated. "Oh, my gosh, Ralph!" Kate says with a blank expression. "I'm so sorry." "Why are you sorry?" Ralph asks. "I broke up with Braden. That's why he was in a bad mood today." Ralph gets up, and hugs Kate. Kate begins to cry. "I didn't know that this side of Braden existed." Randall and Gabby exchange a dissatisfying look. Red and Kyrie walk out of the room they were in and spot Ralph hugging Kate tight. "Damn." Red says. "That's tough."
The doorbell begins to ring once again, Daniel says. "Who could that be? Everybody's already here." He walks up to the door, and opens it. He sees Troy. "Hi Troy, what do you want?" Troy doesn't even smile. "Where's Gabby and Randall?" Daniel reluctantly says, they are at Kate's." "I already checked. "Then they are at my place." "Checked there as well." Then they must be at Alvin's, or Klint's." "Alvin and Klint have a basketball game today." "Shit." Daniel whispers. Troy says. "Can you let me in?" "No." Daniel attempts to close the door on Troy, but Troy pushes the door open hard knocking Daniel back. "Fuck." Daniel says. Troy makes his way to the living room where all of the people are. He spots Randall with Gabby. Right next to each other. Troy appears in the living room for everyone to see. All of the people spot him, except for Gabby and Randall. Ralph says, "hey bro," Randall says "what?" Kate points at what's lurking behind him and gabby. They both turn around, and see, "what up Randall? It's been a damn while."
Randall gets up from the couch. "Hey dude, it's not what it looks like." Troy gives Randall a twisted smile. "Rally huh? It looks to me as if you were taking my girl as if she were yours!" Randall smirks. "Shut your ass, the truth is out. We exposed you now, Gabby knows that you lied. And so does everyone else in this room. Red, Kyrie, Ralph, Kate, Gabby and Daniel see Randall with a smile on his face. That was a long process, but it was well worth it. Even after four years. Troy becomes infuriated. He looks at gabby "it isn't true Gabby, please believe me." Gabby looks at Troy with a smirk, but says. "I believed you for four years, and look where we all ended up. I'm through with you Troy. We're done." Troy walks up to Randall, and smacks him in the face.

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