Chapter 21: Hard Feelings

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    The group is silent. The last thing they needed to think about was who caused the crash in the first place. Ralph nods. "You know what? I'm going to go over there and find out why he was speeding. Kate send me the address-" Randall grabs Ralph's shoulder. "Bro. Let me. I got a few words to say." Ralph backs down. "Kate, send me the address. There's still a bit of daylight. I'll catch up with all of you tonight." Everybody nods, as Randall runs down the hallway towards the hospital doors. "How long ago was this?" Kate asks Daniel. "At least a couple of hours ago. Red Jacob and I were heading back to Reds place but we couldn't just leave Gabby alone over here." Ralph and Kate sit next to Daniel. Jacob can't take his eyes off the operating room window. He turns to Kate. "Ate? Do you think you should tell your parents about this?" Kate stops to think. "Well, actually, I don't think now is the right time. They're very stressed over our house right now, but thanks for asking." A nurse comes out of Gabby's operating room. Looking at the group of kids. "If you all would like, you are permitted to see her. She is looking well. No major injuries, but she needs to rest here for a couple of days." Kate shakes her head and whispers, "Man this is gonna cost so much" Ralph puts his arm around Kate. "Come on, let's go in." Red and Jacob walk inside the room behind Ralph and Kate, but Jacob turns around to see Daniel state at another room. "Kuya Daniel, is something wrong?" "Oh, Jacob! Yeah! Go right on ahead inside. I just want to check on somebody else here." Right next door, Daniel sees a familiar face inside the room. It was Julian, tending his younger sister. Daniel knocks on the door, and Julian opens it. "Dude! Hey, it's been a while." "It has, bro how is your sister?" "Like I said last time we met up she's in a coma, but the doctors did say she can wake up anytime." "How are your parents doing? What was their reaction to the fire?" "I wasn't in too much trouble actually, they were very understanding and gave me less guilt than I actually deserved. Why are you here?" "One of my friends got in a bad car crash. I just saw you right next door and thought I'd check in in you." "J- Julian?" A soft voice mumbled from behind. Daniel opens his mouth in shock. Julian turns around abruptly and let's out a gasp "Bella!! You're awake!" Bella begins to tear up. Julian rushes over to give Bella a huge hug. "You're finally awake." Julian whispers. "I'm so sorry for forgetting you in the fire" "I- I don't remember a fire." "Good." A nurse walks into the room. "Oh my! The patient is awake!" And immediately tends to Bella. Julian walks back up to Daniel. Everything seems to be okay now. Daniel smiles. "I'm so glad to hear that. I guess I'd better get going. Let's keep in touch play?" "Sure. You know where to find me!" Daniel walks out of the room, and head into Gabby's operating room.

    Randall closes his car door and walks onto Bradens doorstep. Knock knock knock Braden opens the door. "Hey man, what's up?" "Look man, we need to talk." Braden lets Randall in. "You own a blue Tesla right?" "Yeah, why?" "Were you by any chance speeding down highway 14 a little while ago?" Braden doesn't answer. "Dude, it was you wasn't it!" Randall says angrily. "Why were you going so fast!? You actually crashed Gabby's car, the one all over Garland News! The girl we made a deal over!" "I- I'm sorry dude, I didn't know." "Sigh, I guess it's fine. Like I said. We made a deal." "Yeah no, explain to me again how you'll get Kate back to me if she's so tight with Ralph." "Ah, I don't really know. Prolly just frame him cheating on her like my buddy Troy did with me." "Buddy? I thought you two hated each other." "Well honestly, Gabby has been so clingy ever since I left Texas for Arizona, so I asked Troy to help me fake a cheating so he can get with her. Well now that Troy is leaving, I kinda had a thing for her again so I made it all think it was his fault. He was cool with it tho, great actor and all that. Even set up a real fight scene." Braden looks at Randall astonished. "So none of this was Troys fault. You're the manipulative one here. I only jumped in the fight cause Troy called me over for backup. But all of it was you." Randall smirks. Bradens eyes widen. "Wait, did you say troy was leaving? You lied to me. You weren't gonna get Kate back for me! You just wanted to keep Troy away from gabby so she won't change her mind about you!" Bradens fists begin to clench. "No hard feelings?" Randall says smirked. "Just wait until Kate hears about this. This isn't cool man." "Like she'll believe you. That's the only reason I told you me entire deal. You can't do shit." Braden looks down. "I gotta go." Randall says. "I need to see my girlfriend at the hospital." Braden shakes his head in mere disgust, and closes the door.

Ding Dong Ding Dong Kyrie rings the doorbell. The door opens. "Hey Kyrie! What a surprise!" "Hey Jason, umm can we talk?" Jason sees Kyrie's sad expression. "Sis you look like a mess, come in." The two walk into Jason's room. "Tell me everything." "I was at the mall and then some girl caused a scene. Well, it looks like I caused a bigger one because I kinda pushed her to the ground when she did no physical harm." "Oh girl I'm so sorry.." Kyrie nods. "I was left alone at the mall, and it hadn't even been a week into our relationship and I already messed up." "Honeyy.. it's who you are. You can't control wether you act up sometimes. And if your ex doesn't love you at your worst, he doesn't deserve you at your best." "I guess you're right. But I really liked him you know? I even posted on my Instagram publicly apologizing, but I don't think he saw it." "I wouldn't apologize online, I'd do it in person. But given the fact he won't even talk to you, I guess that's the best you can do. Haha, you know what's funny? You never even told me his name." "Yeah no forget it." Kyrie interrupts. "Let's talk about something else. How's your love life?" "Girl I was at the mall this afternoon and bumped into the cutest guyyy!!" "Awwwww did you catch his name?" "Yeah! His name was Richard. You have got to meet him. I think he kinda likes me!" Kyrie stops to think for a second then her eyes widen. "Wait what was his name?"

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