Chapter 6: Rivalry

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Daniel and red look at each other in confusion. Red starts to speak "but Ralph, if Kate has a boyfriend, how can you have a crush on Ka-" the door to the guest room opens. "Hey, mom." Daniel says. "Hi, sorry to bother, but Red needs to return home, now. His mother is calling." "Okay," Red says calmly. Daniels mom exits the room. Red gets up from the bed, and walks towards the door. "That's gonna be a problem." He whispers, Then he leaves. Ralph says, "I know it's a problem, but I just can't help myself." Daniel shakes his head of disapproval. "Dude, I don't know what to say." Ralph smiles. "You can't stop emotion." Daniel smiles. "Don't worry. It's happened to me once or twice. We need to get to sleep, you have a lot of places to go to."

          Kate wakes up to the shining sensation of the bright sun on her face, and gets ready for another day of summer vacation. "Kate!" Her mom yells from a distance. "Get ready! We're going to a rosary today!" Kate's smile wipes away from her face, "oh I forgot the rosary was today. Luckily, I didn't make any plans with Ralph today. She hops out of bed, puts on her clothes, and meets her mom in the kitchen.

          Ralph wakes up and walks out the guest room door to see Daniel in the kitchen table eating breakfast. Daniel turns around, "good morning dude. There's breakfast right over here. "Thanks man, but I'm not hungry. Where are your parents?" "My mom went out shopping, and my dad is at work." "I'm just gonna wash up and I'm heading out. Kate was gonna come with, but she texted me saying she has somewhere to be. Wanna tag along?" "Sure! I'm already ready." Ralph enters the restroom and takes a quick shower, brushes his teeth, and changes into his clothes. "Let's go!" Ralph says as he walks out the front door. Daniel follows behind. The two get into Ralph's car, and head off.
"First, we're going to Klint's house. I haven't seen him in a long time." "Sure," Daniel says. Ralph makes a left turn on to the main road. It didn't take that long to reach Klint's house, and the two immediately get out of the car. Ralph rings the doorbell. Ding Dong Ding Dong... the door opens. "KLINT!" Ralph yells. "RALPH!" Klint yells, "it's been years! Come in, both of you." Daniel and Ralph enter the house. The three of them sit on Klint's couch. "Anything you guys want? Food? Water?" Klint asks. "We're good thanks," Ralph answers, "were just dropping by to say hello." "How's it been? How long have you been here?" "It's going great! and I've only been here for one day." "That's cool. Are you here with your family?" "Nope, I'm with my brother though, but he's out doing something else." "Who are you staying with?" "I'm staying at Daniels house, but I'm definitely gonna stay at other people's places throughout the summer." Klint's phone rings. He answers- "hello? Hey dad. What am I doing? I'm- oh, I'll be there quick. Okay, bye." "What happened?" Daniel asks, "my dad is telling me to help him move some furniture for his new house." Klint stands up. "I have to go." Ralph and Daniel get up in response. "Then it looks like we'll get going." Ralph says. The three walk out the front door. "Let's hang out sometime." Klint says. But in the meantime, I'll see you later!" He gets in his car and drives away. "Looks like we're off to our next stop." Daniel says. "Let's go."
The two get in Ralph's car and Ralph begins to reverse away from Klint's parkway. "Where are we off to next?" Daniel asks. "Let's try to visit Alvin's house." Ralph pulls into the highway. Daniel asks Ralph, "hey dude, this may come out of nowhere, but, if you had the chance, would you date Kate?" Silence hits the atmosphere of Ralph's car. "That's a question I would keep to myself, but to be honest, yes. This conversation is only between you and me, but, tell me what you know about Braden."
"See, the only thing I know about him, is that he's like a full head taller than her. Why, do you not like him, or something?" "Well, to be real, he seems to be a bit overprotective. And pushy." "Well you'd be the same if you were dating someone," "yeah, but I would at least let my partner have some freedom, once in a while." "Ooooh, I think somebody's jealous!" "Shut the fuck up Daniel, I know you'd be like that if someone were to be dating Tobie." "Touché" Ralph finally reaches Alvin's neighborhood. "There's his house, right there." He says. He parks in Alvin's garage area, and the two get out of the car once again. Ralph knocks on the door. Knock knock knock knock, but no reply. Ralph sees the backyard gate open, so he and Daniel decide to go through there. To Ralph's surprise, they spot Alvin in the backyard on a lawn chair using his phone. "Hey! Alvin!" Ralph calls. Alvin does a double take. "Holy shit! Dude! I didn't know you were coming!" Alvin gets up and gives Ralph a quick hug. "What brings you here?" "If you didn't know, Im staying here for my summer vacation. I already visited Klint's house, and you were the next stop." "That's great!" Alvin said. "Look, I'll have to talk with you later, cuz I need to mow the front and backyard, and I'm not allowed to have friends over." "Then we'll leave to your business. Let's hang out next week!" "Alright then, see ya!" Ralph and Daniel leave the backyard and into the car again. "Before we go to our last stop, let's eat first. Wanna go to central square mall?" "Sure!" Ralph exits the main road and into the highway once more. "So tell me Ralph," Daniel says. "Tell me about Randall and Gabby's past relationship." Ralph looks at Daniel with a surprised look, and begins to smile.

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