Chapter 2: Old Friends

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"Ohh... okay then, Kate starts to smile a bit. "Order for Ralph! Order for Ralph!" "That's me!" Ralph says as he makes his way to the pick up station. He grabs the large bubble tea and a straw. "Hold up, hold up, I need a straw too!" Kate attempts to pick up another straw from the counter, but Ralph grabs her wrist. "No need, I said we're sharing, right?" Kate nods. "Fine, let's go." The two make their way down an escalator, and turn to where the children's area is. "Where are we going?" Kate asks. "Red did say Jacob was here, I might as well say hi." Kate points to a kid in a blue shirt. "I think I see him. There he is!" The kid in a blue shirt spots Kate and waves from a distance. Then he runs towards the two. "Hi Kate!" "Hi Jacob!" Jacob gives Kate a hug. "What are you doing here?" Jacob asks. "Well if you didn't notice, I'm with someone that has been wanting to see you." She points at Ralph. "OH MY GOSH! Ralph!" Jacob yells. "Ralph I missed you!" He gives Ralph a hug. "Yeah dude," Ralph hugs Jacob back. "You were only three when I left, Dang. You have gotten so big now!" "Yeah." Jacob let's go. "Have you seen my brother?" "Yeah," Ralph says. "Does he always leave you here by yourself?" "Yeah, ever since I got my phone, I've been left alone here more often." "That's cool," Kate says in reply. "Wanna get going?" She says as she turns to Ralph, "yeah, let's walk around the mall for a bit then we'll get going." "We'll catch you later Jacob, I might sleepover at your house next week." "Nice! See you then!" Then Ralph and Kate walk away. Kate turns back to Jacob for a final wave, but instead she sees Jacob give a wink, a few nods of his eyebrows, and a smile. Kate turns back around to where she is walking once again, with a confused look on her face.
       Kate gives the bubble tea to Ralph. "Here, you have the rest of it, I can't take anymore!" Ralph takes the drink from her hand. "Okay then, anywhere else you wanna go before we leave?" "Actually, I want to go to this one place before we leave." The two make a few turns, then they reach a jewelry store. The two walk inside, then Kate starts to stroll around, in awe of the shining jewels around her. She peers in a glass cabinet and stares at a jewel, a ring to be exact. "I asked my boyfriend if he can get me this." She pointed at the only ring in the store. "Damn, the price though. That must be a huge hassle for Braden." "You're right," Kate says. "I probably shouldn't get my hopes up." She backs away from the glass cabinet, and smiles. "Let's go." "Okay," Kate makes her way out the store door. Then Ralph looks back, at the ring. And turns back around and exits the store.

          "Should we go back to my place?" "Let's just make one stop before that." Ralph says. The two walk out of the mall, and towards their car. Ralph grabs his keys out of his pocket, and throws the bubble tea cup into a nearby trash can. He clicks a key button and the car starts to blink. Ralph gets into the drivers seat, and Kate sits right next to him. "Where are we going?" Kate asks Ralph as he pulls out of the parking lot and into the driveway. "We're going to kyrie's place. I haven't seen her in a while as well." "Okay." Ralph pulls out into the highway. "Wanna play truth or dare?" "I'm driving, smart one." "Fine, now about just truth?" "A bit retarded, but okay. You go first." "Sure. Hmm, were you ever gay for anyone in Arizona?" "Nahhhh I wasn't. I am gay for girls though," Ralph chuckled. "My turn. What do you think is a turn off in a guy for you?" Kate ponders. "When they're too touchy, you know? I don't like my boyfriend touching me too much." Ralph nods. "My turn," Kate says. "Who was your first crush?" Ralph stays silent for a quick second. "See, I liked you first, but like I couldn't get the chance to tell you before I left." Kate blushes a bit. "Do those feelings for me still linger?" "Nope." Ralph says in reply. "I've gotten over it. Okay my turn. How long has your relationship with Braden lasted so far?" "About 6 months. Maybe even more, but we still haven't taken things to the next level yet." Ralph pulls up into a small neighborhood. "I remember the street Kyrie lives in, but I forgot the house." "I remember her house. I see it right over there!
          Ralph pulls the car into Kyrie's supposed garage area. The two get out of the car, and ring the doorbell. DING DONG DING DONG.. The door opens. "OH MY GOSH! It's you! Ralph!" Ralph gives Kyrie a hug. "Hey Kyrie!" Ralph says. "May we come in?" "Of course, of course, let's talk." Kate and Ralph make their way through Kyrie's front door. Kyrie hugs Ralph. "It's been so long! How have you been?" Ralph hugs Kyrie back. "I'm doing good. Where are your parents?" "They're out on a date, but Daniel is here to watch me and Kian." "Who's Kian?" Ralph asks. "Oh right. He wasn't here when you left. Yeah he's my baby brother, he just turned one last winter." The three make their way to the living room where Daniel is on the floor playing with Kian. "Hey dude! Hey Kate!" Daniel says. "Hey!" Kate smiles. "Nice seeing you here." Ralph says. "Come," Kyrie says. "Let's sit." Kyrie picks up Kian off of the floor and onto her lap. Daniel gets up off of the floor and sits on the couch next to him. Ralph and Kate take a seat next to each other. "What do you want to talk about?" Kate asks. Kyrie smiles. "Let's ask some questions."

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