Chapter 3: The Truth

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"Okay," Kate says in reply. "Let's ask some questions." Kyrie smiles. "Great. I'll go first. Ralph, have you kissed anyone yet?" Ralph smiles. "No, not yet. But the time will come hopefully. My turn. Daniel," "yeah?" "Tell me the most recent lie you have told me and gotten away with." "Alright so, the most recent lie I've told you was when I showed you the old note kyrie gave to you four years ago. It was my handwriting." "Daniel you piece of sh-" "ALRIGHT my turn" Daniel laughs. "Kate, have you ever kept any secrets from your boyfriend, and if so, care to share?" "Well," Kate sighs, "I didn't tell my boyfriend that I used to have a MASSIVE crush on Ralph," Kate blushes "does that count?" Daniel and kyrie look at each other and giggle. Kyrie says, "yep, that definitely counts." "My turn!" Kate says "Kyrie, have you had a boyfriend yet?" "No," kyrie says. "But I do have my eye on Red. Daniel and Ralph exchange looks of enthusiasm. Kyrie begins to say, "okay guys. We passed round one. Let's make this game a bit more fun." Ralph Kate and Daniel look a bit confused. "Let's ask a bit more personal questions. Something to make y'all not wanna answer."
Ralph smiles. "Bet." Kyrie lets off a bigger smile. "Daniel, have you had any feelings for Tobie?" Tobie is a childhood friend of Daniel. Daniel wonders, "well shit, I didn't know we were going that deep. Well my answer is yes I guess?" "Haha," Kyrie snaps, "this is gonna be great blackmail. "Okay Ralph," Daniel smiles as he takes baby Kian away from Kyrie's lap, "smash or pass Kate?" "Fuck you Daniel, but to be honest I would." Kyrie and Daniel exchange smiles. "Kate," Ralph asks. "Have you had any exes?" Kate says straight away, "actually, no. I do not currently have any exes." Daniel mutters- "not yet.." Ralph leans towards Daniel for a high five. As well as kyrie. Kate looks confused. "Well that's something I shouldn't be looking forward to, but okay, Kyrie, what's your opinion on Annie?" "Oh, I hate her. She gives me headaches. I honestly don't know what Red sees in that hoe." "Damn," Kate says, surprised. "I see the shade." Kyrie smirks. Then she says "we passed round two. Finally, we push this game to the highest level. Kiss kill marry." "Damn you, kyrie." Daniel says, "I hate that game. Kate nods. "Same here, but that's what make it fun you know?"
          "The rules are simple," kyrie says. "We each give each other three names and we need to categorize them into a kiss, kill or marry. Daniel, you go first." "Okay, Kyrie. Let's give you, Red, Ralph, and Nicholas." "Damn, kill Nicholas." Kyrie says in disgust, "kiss Ralph, and marry Red. Alright, my turn. Ralph, kiss kill and marry, Kate, gabby, and me." "Haha!" Ralph laughs, "imma kill you, kiss gabby, and marry Kate." Ralph turns to Kate, "my turn Kate, kiss kill or marry-" the four stop speaking for a slight second and smell an interesting odor in the air. "What's that smell?" Daniel asks "I think I smell smoke?" The four get up. Kyrie covers Kian's mouth. They all look around the house to see if there is a fire. Nothing. "Guys?" Kate asks, "I think we're hallucinating. There isn't a fire in the house." "Oh, my, god." Kyrie says. "Guys?" Kate Ralph and Daniel rush over to the front door where kyrie is. There is a display of horror on her face. "Holy shit," Ralph says. "There's a fire next door."

"WHY ARE THERE NO FIRETRUCKS AROUND?!" Kyrie starts to yell. "If the fire doesn't stop, it might spread across the neighborhood." Kate grabs her phone and starts to dial 911. She puts it on speaker. 911 what's your emergency? "Hello?" Kate responds. "There is a fire right door, and it seems to be spreading." Okay the first thing you should do is get out of the house you are in. The four immediately run out of the house, Kyrie holding Kian, only to see a scorching 2nd floor of the next door house. "The fire is getting bigger!" Kate said in a panic, do you think anyone is in there?" Tell me your address immediately, and we'll be on our way. "2098 lavender drive," Kate says in reply. "But come quick, the fire is spreading. "OH MY GOSH!" Kyrie yells. "LOOK!" Ralph Kate and Daniel peer into the 2nd floor window, only to see a figure of a person, grabbing their attention. "HELP! HELP! Get me out!!!" The person starts to bang on the window. Then starts to cry. The four realize that the person banging on the window is a child, probably around 11 or 12. "I don't think he can survive in there for too long," Ralph says nervously. "I'm going in.
"You can't go in the fucking house!" Kate yells. "We need to wait for the fire trucks!" Ralph looks at Kate, then looks at the crying boy behind the window. "I can't let him suffer like this." Then Ralph goes up toward the front door. Kate Daniel, and Kyrie watch as Ralph puts the palm of his hand on the center of the door, then goes to the window right next to it. "This is crazy," Ralph says, then he picks up a baseball sized rock off of the ground, and throws it at the window. SMASH. He enters the burning house. Ralph notices that none of the first floor is burning, but the 2nd floor is where he smells the smoke coming from. He finds the stairs and goes up and sees the source of the fire. "It's coming from the bedroom." He says, then he hears the crying from the other room. He feels the door, then kicks the door. It doesn't go down, then he kicks the door again. He sees the boy.
"W-what are you doing here?" The boy asks as he wipes the tears off of his face. "I'm getting you out of here. Let's go." He grabs the boys hand, and they head towards the broken down door. "Shit." Ralph whispers. The fire spread towards the entrance of the bedroom. Ralph and the child have no way out.

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