Chapter 15: Rebound

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"Kyrie's ex boyfriend?!" Red says. "How the hell do you know me?" Nicholas smiles. "Im Annie's ex boyfriend. And she told me about you. I just want to say thank you. Thank you. After I broke up with kyrie a few months ago, I've had this sort of feeling towards Annie again, and since I've known that you two were still dating, I backed off. But now that you and Kurie are together, I'm back with Annie, and we're really happy." Red smiles curiously, "you're welcome? I guess?" Nicholas walks away, and Daniel and Jacob return. Daniel asks: "who was that?" Red turns around and smiles. "I have no fucking idea."

          Kate and Ralph wake up from bed and both leave the guest room. "Do you know where Daniel went?" Kate asked. Ralph says "he texted me saying he was at central square with Red and Jacob. Kate nods, still half asleep, wanna watch something? Or eat?" Ralph nods. I'm not hungry. But if you want to eat, Daniel always leaves stuff in the fridge. Ralph sits on the couch, turns on the tv, and Kate sits right next to him. She leans in closer, then she dozes off again. Sleeping on Ralph. "My goodness," Ralph whispers. "You just woke up."

Red and Jacob sit at a table at the far end of the food court. Daniel brings back a tray of McDonald's at the table and sits down. "Let's eat our brunch." Daniel says. "Red and Jacob grab their food as Daniel grabs his. The three begin to eat. Daniel looks to his left to see a familiar face. He stands up. "Oh my gosh, Julian! How's it going?" Julian looks at Daniel with a smile on his face, "hey dude! It's been a while. How are you?" "I'm doing fine, if you didn't notice, my house is being fixed up, and my sister isn't dead after all, she is just in a coma!" Daniel smiles reluctantly. "I-I'm glad you're so happy!" Julian says "listen, I saw people fighting outside my neighbors house yesterday, and one of the people looked like the guy that saved me from the fire a few days ago." Daniel nods "yeahhh we were just-" "and I saw two guys just lying on the ground, so I went outside and helped them up." Daniel is alarmed. "Um, Julian, I don't think you should've done that." "Why? They looked really nice, and they were!" Sighhhh. "Never mind. I'll see you later my dude! I'm in the middle of brunch with a few friends." "Alright man, see you later!" Daniel walks back to Red and Jacob's table and sits down. "Who was that, Daniel?" Jacob asks. Daniel smiles, "just an old friend."

Kate wakes up on Ralph, wondering where she was for a split second. She notices Ralph's arm around her, and his face focused on a basketball game. "Hey, where is Gabby and Randall?" Ralph looks at her, And turns the tv off. "They both went out. Do you Wanna go out as well?" Kate smiles. "Sure." The two take a shower, get dressed, and head into Ralph's car. "Where do you wanna go?" Ralph asks. "I don't know," "oh my gosh! Wanna go to the lake? Remember when our parents took us on the boats?" Ralph smiles. "I can't believe you remember. Where was it?" "Jade lake. Right across the bridge. Let's go!" Ralph pulls out of the driveway, and the two make their way to Jade lake.

Daniel and Jacob follow Red as he walks around the mall for a few hours looking at a few stores, shoppes, and displays, then Jacob spots a candy store in the distance. He runs towards it wanting to look around, and Daniel and Red follow. As Jacob reaches the candy store, he sees one of his friends. One of his CUTE friends. "Hi Jacob!" She says. "H-hi Laven. What are you doing here?" Daniel and Red look at each other and smile. Laven giggles and says, "I'm here with my sister buying candy." Her sister Liv, walks over and sees Red. "Hey Red!" She looks at Daniel and gives him a disgusted look, leaving him confused. Laven says to Jacob, "look, I have to go now, let's talk later, okay!" "Sure, sure," Jacob stutters back. Liv and Laven walk out of the store with two bags of candy in each hand. Jacob begins to space out. Red looks at him weirdly. "Jacob, are you okay?" "I'm fine." "It looks like you have a bit of a crush on Laven, huh?" "Yeahhhhhhh, I mean NO! Stay out of my business!" Red begins to laugh. Daniel smiles, "cmon guys. It's time to get going. It's already 7 p.m.!" And the three begin to exit central square mall.

          As Ralph and Kate arrive at Jade Lake, Ralph goes up to the dock manager and rents a boat. He rented a small white motorboat which looked a bit run down, but stable. Ralph gives him the money and the two get inside. Ralph gets in first, and Kate gets in taking Ralph's hand. As The two sit down and Ralph turns on the motor, the boat begins to scurry through the water as the sun begins to set on the wide blue lake. "Ahh, old times." Ralph says, Kate smiles as the soft wind rustles thought her hair, "right." A few minutes pass by as the boat continues to scurry across the lake. But as they begin to reach the center of the lake, the motor stops. Ralph looks confused. Um Kate, did you turn the motor off?" "No, did you?" "No, does that mean-" "were trapped out here a mile away from shore?" Ralph nods nervously. The wind becomes stronger as the two begin to slightly panic. Kate says, "you know what? I'm gonna text Daniel, let's just hope he answers. She takes her phone out of her jacket And begins to text Daniel.

Heyyyyy Daniel?
What's up?
Ralph and I are at Jade lake,
Oh that's cool.
Yeah, but there's one little problem.
What's that?
The motor of the boat Ralph and I are in stopped working. Weeeere lost in the middle of the lake.

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