Chapter 4: Recovery

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          The kid starts to cry again. "W-what do we do now?" The room begins to get hotter, and sweat begins to drip through Ralph's face. Then he looks at the window the child was banging. "We can't go out this door obviously because there is fire in the way," Ralph says as he points to the door. Then he points to the window. "We only have one option. We go out the window."
          Ralph let's go of the kid's hand, then begins to pry open the window. He spots Kate, Daniel, and Kyrie in the driveway, but no firetrucks. Nobody around but them. The moon shines in the sky as Ralph tries to figure out a way to get him and the child out of the house. The kid starts to whimper. "H-hey" he pokes Ralph. "Over there.." he points at the entrance of the room, then Ralph turns around. "The fire is starting to spread around the floor and walls. We need to get out quick." The boy peers out of the window and spots the three teens standing in the driveway. "They can catch us." He says with teary eyes. Ralph looks out the window as well. The he calls out to Daniel. "Daniel! Dude! Do you think you can catch him if he jumps?" "I think so, with the help of Kate!" Kate and Daniel move towards the window area outside. "Don't worry, we'll catch him!" Kate assures Ralph. The kid begins to exit the window. Then he looks down. "Damn, this is gonna be a high drop." "Don't worry!" Daniel yells. Kate and I will catch you!" The boy closes his eyes, then jumps.
          The boy reaches Daniel and Kate's arms, and the three fall to the ground. Ralph watches from above as the child waves at Ralph with a smile on his face. "Now we need to get him down." he says as he points at the burning building. Kyrie says to the boy "hey, can you hold the baby?" She hands Kian to the boy, and Kate and Daniel get up. Kyrie looks at Ralph up above. "Hurry up and jump!" Kyrie says. "The smoke will get to you!" Ralph nods. Then he turns around, just to see the raging fire inch closer to him. "Holy shit." Ralph says in shock. Then his heart begins to race. He steps one foot out of the window, then he notices his leather jacket on fire. He immediately takes it off, and throws it at the raging fire, coming closer. He looks at the burning bedroom one last time, then jumps out of the window. Kate, Daniel, and Kyrie let out a loud grunt as the four fall to the floor. They get up and Kyrie takes Kian back from the boys arms. Daniel walks up to the boy. "Hey kid, what's your name?" The boy looks at Daniel. "My name is Julian. My parents went out about an hour ago, and they left me to take care of my sist- WAIT, NO! MY SISTER!" Ralph looks at Julian with a panic in his face, "shit, shit, shit, then he inches towards the smashed window next to the front door. Then the five of them stop for a second. "I hear something," Kate says. "I hear firetrucks."
          The five of them stop to see a fire truck and an ambulance barreling their direction. Ralph backs away from the door, and Kate, Daniel, Kyrie and Julian wave to the vehicles. The fire truck stops in front of Julian's house and three firemen pop out. Then the fire truck ladder begins to extend out into the 2nd floor window. One fireman goes onto the ladder while the other two firemen break down the front door of the house. Then a paramedic appears out of the ambulance.
          "Goodness, the house is seriously damaged. What happened?" Kate Daniel Ralph and Kyrie look at Julian. He begins to shake. "See, i was in my parent's bedroom, because they have the only upstairs bathroom. I saw a candle, and I knew it wasn't supposed to be there, so I took the candle, fully lit, and tried to bring it downstairs. But I tripped and fell and I ended up dropping the candle in front of the master bedroom. I probably shouldn't have went to my room for protection, because the fire ended up spreading and I didn't even know it." The paramedic nods, and begins to look at Ralph. "You certainly look beat up, what were YOU doing here?" Ralph says. "My friends and I smelled smoke, so we went outside and saw the fire. Then we saw Julian, trapped in the upstairs bedroom, but I couldn't stand to see him suffer up there. But since you guys are SLOW, I decided to go up there and save him myself." "I see," the paramedic said. "Well, looks like the job is done. You kids should go home now." "B-but, I forgot! my sister!" Julian starts to tear up. The two firefighters exit the house, one with a little girl in his arms. Ralph Daniel Kate and Kyrie look in horror as the paramedic takes the girl in her arms and places her on a stretcher. The paramedic looks back at Julian. "I'm going to take your sister to the hospital. Inform your parents on what happened." Julian begins to cry. Daniel puts his arm on his shoulders, "she will be fine, Julian. It's not like she was in the master bedroom," Julian looks back at Daniel. "She was."

          Kyrie and Daniel walk back to Kyrie's house, while Kate and Ralph head to their car. "We'll see you two later," Kyrie says. "And I'll see you at my place, Ralph." Daniel follows. Kate and Ralph nod, then the two enter the house. But as Ralph looks back at the singed building, he sees Julian sitting on the curb, alone. He walks back to him. "You know what, I'm gonna take you to the hospital." "Thank you," Julian says. "You saved my life today." Ralph smiles. Then sighs. "Damn it Julian, I almost killed myself today thanks to you." Julian looks down. Then Ralph puts his hand on Julian's back. "That's alright." Ralph says. "At least your safe. Cmon. Let's get you to the hospital to see your sister." Kate and Ralph get in the front of the car, and Julian gets in the back seat. He begins to tear up.

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