Chapter 5: Confession

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          Ralph pulls out into the highway, once again, towards the central plaza hospital, where the ambulance brought Julian's sister. "I hope she's alright" Kate says worried. "She looked burnt." Julian looks out the car window, thinking about what happened back at the burnt house. Kate takes out her phone, and starts scrolling. Ralph finally arrives at the hospital. Then he parks in front of the main hospital door. Julian gets out of the car. Ralph unrolls the front window. "Do you have your phone on you Julian?" Kate asks. "Yes, and thank you again Ralph, for helping me, and saving my life." Julian looks at Kate. "You are a really lucky girl." Julian smiles. "To have a boyfriend just like Ralph." Julian smiles at Ralph, then he walks inside the hospital.
          Ralph and Kate watch as Julian makes his way inside the hospital, then Ralph drives away. "NOW I'm taking you home, it's already 10 p.m.." "yeah," Kate says. "Ralph, you did something really fucked up, today." Ralph nods. Kate puts her hand on his steady arm. "But you were really brave. I'm proud of you, dummy." Ralph smiles. "I'm proud of myself too." Kate notices that Ralph's leather jacket is missing. "Where's your jacket?" Kate asked. "It caught on fire back at the house. So I took it off, and left it." "Damn, those jackets cost a ton of money." "Yeah, I don't think my parents will believe me when I tell them my jacket burned from a house fire." He laughs. Kate smiles. "How do you think your first day in Texas has been so far?" Ralph enters Kate's neighborhood. "It has been exhausting," Ralph sighed. "But at least I made my first day worthwhile. This is gonna be a long summer vacation." Ralph parks his car in front of Kate's garage area. Kate gets out of the car. "It's been great being with you today. See you tomorrow?" "No duh," Ralph says with a silly expression. "There are more people I need to see and I'm not going alone." "Okay, well I guess I'll see ya!" Kate waves, then she turns around, and walks to her house.
          Kate unlocks the door with her house key, and opens it to see her mom, sister, and her boyfriend in the living room, the three turn to Kate's attention, "where have you been?" Braden asks. "None of your business" Kate says with a smile on her face. Kate's mom stands up, she looks mad. "Katelyn, where have you been? It's past your curfew, and you're phone has been on silent." "Mom, it's nothing, I was with Ralph, at Kyrie's house. It's no big deal." Kate's mom nods. Okay,  "at least you are with people you know well. I have been worried sick!" Kate's mom leaves the living room. As well as Karina. Braden looks at Kate suspiciously. "Are you sure you were only at 'Kyrie's house'? It looks like you have been to more places than that." "Cmon, Braden. What is your problem? I don't like Ralph like that." Braden nods. "Alright. I just don't like you with other guys I don't know very well." "Don't worry, Ralph is fine." Braden hugs her. "I'll see you tomorrow, babe." "Okay." Braden steps out the front door, and closes it.
        Kate makes her way upstairs, and into her bedroom. Only to see her sister Gabby, on her bed. "Kate," Gabby says, "tell me what happened." "Fine, but promise you won't tell anyone. Please." "Okay," "I went to Kyrie's house, like I said, and talked for a bit. Then we noticed a fire across the street. So we evacuated the house and ended up seeing a boy trapped in a bedroom upstairs." "Then what happened?" "Ralph went in." "He what?!" "He went in the damn house, Gabby. To save the boy." "Did they make it out alive? The boy? Ralph?" "Yes. Unharmed." Gabby thinks for a second. "I see, but-" Kate stops her. "Gabby, why do I feel like," "what?" Gabby asks. "Why do I feel like I um, like Ralph, now?" Gabby puts her hand in her head. "Kate, we can't have this problem," "I know, but seeing Ralph's bravery, it just, you know, it impresses me. Gabby looks at Kate with a serious look in her face. "Kate, remember what happened with me and Randall? I don't want what happened to me and him, happen to you. You are a smart person. And smart people make the right decisions." Kate looks down, "I know, but," "but what?" Gabby says. "I don't know, but, I think I like Ralph, again."

          Ralph parks his car in front of Daniel's driveway. He gets out, locks the car, and knocks on the door. Daniel opens the door. "Wow! Ralph said. You got home fast." "Yeah, Kyrie's parents came home immediately after the fire ended. Come in! We'll talk in the guest room." Ralph and Daniel make their way to the guest room where Ralph is staying. Daniel opens the door. "Oh, hey Red!" Ralph says in surprise. "What are you doing here?" Red smiles. "I was just hanging with Daniel, cuz I was tired of Jacob at home." Ralph sits on the bed. As well as Daniel. Red smiles. "I heard you saved some kid from a burning house." Ralph smiles. "Yeah, I guess you can say that. How'd you know?" Red shows his phone to Ralph. "It's all over the Evening news." "What?" Daniel and Ralph say in unison. "Look!" Red shows his phone to the two. Ralph begins to read. Teen boy saves kid from burning building. "Holy crap," Ralph said. "I bet they interviewed Julian, or something." "Yeah," Daniel replies. "But the way Kate looked at you though when you went into the house, Ralph! She looked really worried! You'd think she has like, a crush on you, or something." Ralph nodded. " it can't happen though, because she has a boyfriend. But you know what?" "What?" Red and Daniel ask. "I think I might have a little crush on Kate myself."

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