2~A Lighter Version Of Hell

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Hey guys! If there are words that are bolded that means that Ella is writing it down. Just letting you know! This is chapter two, I hope you enjoy it!


Ella Winchester's POV


As I walk into the school all of the previous conversations cease.

The only sounds you could hear were my shoes tapping on the ground.

And that's when the laughing, pointing, and name-calling starts.

Now all I can hear is laughter, but there isn't anything funny, they're laughing at me.

"Hey look, everybody! It's the mute freak!" "Hah, She's so weird!"

But the words soon stop when the spins of heels clicking start.

Click, click, click.

Until a figure is standing in front of me.

You see, I don't like school. But not because it's hard, or because you have to do work.

I don't like school because of the people. It isn't easy going to school in the first place but putting someone who doesn't talk into all of that.

Not a good idea.

"Hey, freak! Where do you think you're going?" A high pitched, squeaky voice asks me.

This everybody is Krystal sparks. She is the queen bee of the school. She's also a major bitch!

I grab my whiteboard and marker from my backpack as she impatiently taps her foot on the ground.

To class.

I write, she squints as she looks at it. Seemingly either having a hard time reading my neat writing, or she just doesn't have a brain. That would be a good guess too.


The bell rings. I start to walk past her, only to be thrown back by her stepping in front of me.

I'm going to be late, let me go

I quickly jot down.

Since I've been late so many times, either by my father, or Krystal and her friends, more like minions I can't be late again or else they would call the demon I just so happen to call my father.

"Hmm... no." She says and throws me against the lockers.

"Girls come here and help me deal with this freak!" She screeches, stomping her feet as if she is having a temper tantrum.

All of her minions flow out of the bathroom and skip over to where she's holding me against the lockers. They grab my whiteboard, marker, and backpack, only to throw them across the hallway.

And that's when it starts up again, for the second time today.

Punch after punch, kick after kick. I know there are going to be many bruises.

As I start to lose consciousness the hits stop with one word.


But it's not the word that's the problem, it's the person yelling that word.

Kade Night.


Hey guys! That was chapter two! I hope you enjoyed it! I know this came out sooner than thought. But I'm bored and sick so I thought why not. Please comment your suggestions or comments. That's all for now!

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