7~Dad? No. Father? Yes.

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Hey guys! This is chapter seven. I'm sorry that I haven't been updating recently. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter, feel free to comment on any mistakes, questions, or comments!



"What's your name?" Alex asks.

I contemplate telling them my real name but then decide against it.

Just call me the girl with secrets, that's what everyone calls me.

"Wait wait wait. hold up. You're the girl with secrets?!?" Logan yells.

See, I knew that they would recognize the name people gave me.

Ella Winchesters POV


Um, yes, yes I am. I respond.

As they're talking I start to think about how my dad would kill me if he knew that I was here and not at school. Wait...

What time is it? I write down.

"Umm, it's like 5 pm? Yeah, it's 5 pm." Kade says.

Shit! I should have been home by now!

I need to go home! I frantically write.

"Ohh, okay.... well, I'll drive you." Kade offers.

As much as I would love to take his offer, I can't. My father would be furious if he saw him drop me off.

It's fine, I don't live that far from here, I'll walk. Thank you for the offer though. I respond.

"But wai-" Alex starts but I cut him off by running out the bedroom door.

I run down the stairs, out the front door, and across the street.

It takes me about ten minutes to walk home.

When I get there I see my father's shadow lurking in the window.

Ahh shit.

Goodbye world,

For today is the day I die.

I slowly make my trek to the front door, and after what had felt like days, but was probably only seconds, I arrive at my destination.

I push open the wooden door and step inside my own, personal, hell.

As I'm about to run up the stairs to my room, something slams into my face, my father's fist.

And it begins again, fist after fist, hit after hit, until... Darkness invades my vision, the last thing I hear is my father whispering in a low voice.

"Your dad missed you brat."

Dad? Really? Truly?

Googles definition of dad:

Definition of dad: One's father


The true definition of dad: Someone who is there for their child, he cares for their wellbeing and happiness.

Googles definition of father: A man in relation to his child or children


The true definition of father: Someone who helps in the making of a child. A sperm donor.

Hey guys, this is the end of chapter seven. I hope you enjoyed it! I know this is a shorter chapter, it's more of a filler chapter though. I apologize for not updating. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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