Chapter thirteen, Moving in and remodelling.

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As a week had passed since the 'gay bar' incident and John had somewhat reluctantly discovered he was gay, I had been with Kaylee in her house for about half a day now.

The place was rather spacious compared to John's apartment and had two floors to it. The first floor which held the living room, a small toilet, a large kitchen and one spare room that was literally empty except for a few boxes.

Upstairs, there were four bedrooms and a bathroom.

All in all, only a single bedroom was in use, which confused me.

"Why is only your bedroom furnished?" I asked Kaylee with a confused expression and she giggled at my question.

"Because I used to have housemates here with whom I shared the place so I could afford the rent, but they have all been gone for a while... It's even been more than a year since the last one left." Kaylee replied calmly and her face showed some regret.

"She was a bombshell though. Really wish she wouldn't have rejected my advances as cruelly as she did..." She continued with downcast eyes, before suddenly looking up at me.

"You're free to fully move in here if you want!" She shouted, seemingly unaware of her own volume.

So you just chased away someone who helped you afford the rent... your own stupid mistake actually.

I couldn't help the thought as it crossed my mind while we talked as Kaylee led me to a room where she dropped my bags on the empty bed and continued the tour of the house.

When I had been familiarized with the place, Kaylee and I sat down in the living room with a pot of coffee and she began talking at length of what she had planned for the store she was going to take over.

"Seriously, why just sell comic books? The place is big enough to hold much more stuff... I could add a wall of mangas and other similar books. Maybe a middle table filled with board games and such, a part dedicated to tabletop R.P.G.s and such... Oh Daisia, Hunny, I might even have a job to offer you!" She was rambling on about things I could not understand what she meant, but her sudden call of offering me a job definitely drew my attention.

"What kind of job?" I asked her wearily, she had always been forceful with me so I was certainly on edge with this proposal.

"I want to add a corner where people can drink some coffee or tea as part of the store, so I need someone to man that... You'd be perfect. I'm absolutely certain you'd also draw in lots of customers as well!" She was oddly enthusiastic about having me work there as a serving girl it seemed.

Well, wouldn't be so different from what I did for my old teacher on Keithis, actually. I ended up being more his personal maid than an actual apprentice, even if he did leave me a lot of magical knowledge.

I sat considering the offer seriously while Kaylee stayed staring anxiously at me as if I was considering her confession of love.

It felt oddly similar to that, while it was a completely different topic. Her gaze reminded me somewhat of some men who had kept an appropriate distance in the village on Keithis, only less lustful and more hope filled eyes.

"I don't know much about what I'll be working with in the store, but I'll do it, you'll have a lot to teach me, though." Although I accepted the offer, I still had a few doubts in my mind, but I would need work eventually in this word so I actually figured it might be worth a try.

"If you move in here, I can drive you to the store every workday, would be a lot easier than taking the subway or walking from John's place... if you even want to move back th-... Bigsby!" Kaylee began muttering something about moving in with her when she suddenly shouted happily as her dog, Bigsby leapt into her lap.

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