VOL.2 Chapter 4, On the topic of marriage...

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After we had our dinner with the four of us; Millie, Jon Kaylee and myself, John and Millie took care of the dishes while Kaylee and I sat down together in the living room.

We both had a latte I had made for us and Kaylee had snuggled up against me.

She rested her head on my shoulder with a content smile while she let her fingers gently slide along the pantyhose I wore as she sat with her eyes more closed than open.

"You're not going to fall asleep on me like yesterday, are you?" I asked her and she muttered, a little insulted, "No, don't worry Hun. We've got guests, I'm not that poor of a host to fall asleep then."

I felt the reply was more a political one rather than a genuine one and whispered, "That's why you drank your first latte so fast?" I asked her that in a soft, semi-mocking tone.

I knew she simply enjoyed a good latte and sometimes she would just chug it down in no-time, while other times she would drink it so slowly it would be almost cold. Or anything in between those two extremes for that matter.

"Daisia, can you make me a latte too? We're almost finished washing up here." Millie asked from the kitchen, in between and over the rattling of cutlery and plates being stacked into the cabinets and drawers.

"Sure thing, I just need to get someone peeled off me." I replied jokingly and Kaylee looked up from my shoulder with a pout.

"That's just mean y'know." She muttered and remained sulking for a while until I returned with both a latte for Millie and a normal coffee for John, which he requested when I was in the kitchen.

"Oh, moment, I need to do something real quick, don't want our couch to be dyed red again." I whispered to Kaylee as I was about to sit down again.

"Ah, yeah, let's not repeat that incident from last week, shall we?" She replied and I hurried to the bathroom to quickly freshen up and keep both my clothing and our couch from being soaked in my blood again. As unfortunate as it is, we elves bleed a lot during this, the trade-off for once a year, I guess.

When I joined the rest in the living room again shortly after, I saw Millie looking awkwardly at me as I returned.

"It still hasn't ended? it' been what, a week and a half by now?" She asked and I nodded, meanwhile Kaylee just sat grinning stupidly, seeing she knew it would be another two to three weeks before it ended.

"What are you grinning 'bout Kay?" John asked and Kaylee's grin spread even farther.

"Oh, the things you don't know, little brother..." She spoke in mocking tone, but I would prefer if we could not discuss the fact that, with me being an elf, my period will last around a month.

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