VOL.3 Prologue

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At long last, John and Millie's big day had come. Kaylee, Glynn and I were in the small hotel room along with Millie, where we were being readied up for Millie's wedding day.

Millie's hair had just been done after she had been hoisted into her wedding dress.

Kaylee and I were already sitting in our own dresses as two of Millie's bride's maids. Glynn wore a suit that still accentuated her feminine charms and was currently having her hair done.

Millie, at this moment, was having the finishing touches done on her make-up and after that I would be put into make-up.

The big downside for Millie in finding a make-up artist for her wedding had been the disgust and hatred the beauty industry had quickly shown towards me, so she had a really hard time finding a make-up artist that would not have issues with doing my make-up.

"And... done. Ready for the big day. Well... I'm sorry to say," The woman in her early twenties spoke turning to me. "although I have nothing against you, I have no experience with your skin tone. I will do my best, but it may take a bit of time. My apologies for that." The woman spoke as she held a small hand mirror in front of Millie who admired her now finished make-up.

She was a good looking woman already, even if she came over a bit strict and stiff at times. But she was easygoing and calm when you got to know her. The make-up now, added that to her more clearly than I could have expected.

"Thank you. Please don't worry too much. Daisia is rather easygoing about her make-up. She won't berate you for not getting it right immediately." Millie said with a smile and kept looking into the mirror as she had been handed it.

"Don' tell me I need teh ge' da plast'r all o'er me face?" Glynn suddenly interrupted and the make-up artist looked at her a bit bewildered.

"You will look amazing when I'm done with you, don't worry. But you do need some make-up if you don't want to look out of place during your friend's wedding. I'm already a little surprised she agreed on a suit for you." She spoke and Glynn shrugged.

"I'd rath'r wear a suit than a dress. Me ne'er really worn dresses. An' add to da teh fact they di'n't have dresses in me short size... we di'n't have much o' a choice. Di' we, now?" Glynn spoke crudely but, seeing Millie had already told her when hiring her she would also do make-up for our dwarven friend, that she had a bit of a crude and harsh accent that made her sound rather rude and ungrateful.

"Don't worry. I'll make you look pretty with as little make-up as I can." The woman replied and took a few palates of make-up and began to compare them with my skin.

Soon she had settled on three options and began to apply the one she felt worked best.

"I'm surprised how well your skin is in terms of condition." She told me with a smile and I thanked her.

"Oh, you flatter me too much. I was exited when I heard I got to do the make-up for the only elf we have in our world. I have been trying to be a voice for you in our industry, but many don't seem to like you because of this amazingly fair skin, the fine hair you have with its color and just how overall beautiful you look, even without make-up." She told me, the honesty resounding from her exited reply.

I have people backing me in the beauty industry? With how much hostility I get as soon as I enter a store to get new make-up, I didn't see that coming. I'm glad though. I thought to myself as she continued to apply my make-up.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to need to remove it for a moment. The color palate I thought would work best doesn't give the accent I had thought it would." She suddenly spoke and I nodded.

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