VOL.2 Chapter 17, A hunch.

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After we had dropped off the wheelchair at the room where Millie's stuff was along with the bed they had assigned her, Kaylee and John packed the few things Millie had here in the hospital.

After that, we simply left the place, leaving a bit of a stunned and chaotic panic as they found the nurse and doctors who had threatened me.

Of course the nurse they couldn't do a single thing for until my magic on her wore off.

Then again, seeing how they went too far, even for medics, I used quite a bit of force in that spell so should would be out cold for at least six hours.

Once we were on the road again, Millie sat next to John in the back seat a bit uncomfortably.

"It took them quite a time to discuss my arm, and then you showed up. What happened?" She asked me and I sighed.

"Because I used my healing magic, they threatened to bring me to court over accusations of pretending to be a 'fake doctor'. Simply put, they were simply threatening me, and I took care of them. That nurse that went and got me should be out cold for a few more hours." I replied annoyed.

"That sounds odd, they wouldn't do that unless..." She fell silent halfway through her reply, almost as if she knew what would push professional medics to that.

"Unless they felt threatened by my healing." I replied to finish her own words.

"Yeah. I'm sorry you had to go through that." Millie and John replied together.

"Don't fret it. I've dealt with worse in my life." I gave my cold reply, knowing all too well I had faced off against worse than some overly confident and cocky medics.

"We're here. Millie, John, you two can stay with us for a while if need be." Kaylee suddenly spoke as she had parked the car without any of us even noticing.

"Let's get inside, I could use some coffee right now." I replied to her statement and we all left the car for the warmth and comfort of our house.

When we had our drinks, all of us having settled for coffee, I let go of a deep sigh.

"Millie, I'm sorry to ask you this, but what did you see when that thing hit your car?" I asked her and she cocked her head a little curiously.

"Why would you ask, I don't mind, but why?" She replied and I nodded.

"Because... I fear there might be someone else like me here now." I replied and she nodded.

"I see." Was her only reply, after that, she went silent for a while.

She was visibly straining to remember more than she had already told the police but seemed unable to reveal anything new.

"Anything will help, I just need to clarify." I told her and she nodded.

"Well, what I told the police was that I saw a flash of ginger hair on the passenger side of the car, just barely cresting above the window.

Next thing I knew some hunk of stone and metal smashed my car so hard it actually lifted the rear off the road and into the air.

That thrashed me around so violently I bruised some ribs, broke my arm and all. That's all I recall."

"Thank you, that helps. John, you mentioned the engine block was smashed clean out of the car, right?" I asked, turning to John who nodded.

"Not sure what good this knowledge is to you, but yes." He added, a wry look in his eyes.

"Actually, it's really helpful. I have an idea what might have hit you, it's just a hunch and I'm actually glad everyone thinks it was some sort of animal. Though, I feel I might know what it actually was." I told them and Millie and John turned an accusatory eye at Kaylee.

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