VOL.2 Chapter 15, A mage's true face.

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[Author's note]

Tomorrow three more ebooks release into early access for my Overpowered Protag tier on my Patreon, AN Elf on Earth VOL.1 being one of them, join now to get the ebooks as soon as they release at patreon.com/padgevanderklift

Roll for initiative...

After we had returned to the hotel from our dining out, I clearly disappointed Kaylee with my actions.

Well, more accurately, what I took up the moment we arrived in our room.

As I always did when I left home, even for work, I had taken my spell tome with me here as well.

I also always carried several paper note books with me along with my spell tome, so Kaylee knew immediately what I was going to do when I took that from my luggage the moment we entered our room in order to drop of our purchases from the day.

"You're not coming to the hotel's bar with me?" She asked with a pout.

"Not right now Dear, I have a few things I need to figure out before it's too late to prepare for them." I replied and she shuffled out the door defeated.

A soft click sounded as she gently pulled the door shut.

Seeing our hotel room had a desk of 'decent' size, I had already laid out my spell tome, two of the different note books I had with me and a bunch of pencils and pens.

I had four different mechanical pencils with differing hardness lead laid out to more easily draw the fine details and differing importance of those in my notes.

Two pens lay ready as well, one black, one red, for similar purposes as the four pencils, to differentiate between matters of crucial importance, and my basic notes.

For the first step, I began to search for certain passages in my spell tome, I know I lack the affinity to cast the spells, but I have notes for several summoning spells.

Even if those were meant for summoning a familiar from the void around Keithis for a short time, or to conjure a permanent familiar whose degree of power would vary greatly, but if you were to successfully suppress them upon appearing, they were with you permanently as loyal familiars.

Seeing those spells along with all the summoning magic on Keithis, was part of the so-called 'Dark' element, which I have no affinity for, meaning I can't cast anything with it, so I never really studied them.

But I had never expected those notes Master Arick had forced me to take in detail would come in handy, as in, ever...

But surprisingly enough, right now, they might give a clue as to what had brought me here.

I may be unable to use it to return to Keithis, but after getting engaged to Kaylee, I had decided to live my life here, on earth.

But now they might still give me an insight or two on how I was brought here. Or what might be an explanation on how this entire situation sticks together at all.

Skipping through the pages of my spell tome, I quickly found the temporary summoning spell, Summon Lesser Familiar, at the beginning of the book.

But as I had somewhat expected, the workings of the spell, amidst both the lines of explanation, the chant and even the lines of the runic formulas that created the magic formations to make the spell function, this one proved useless in my search.

I had written down every detail of the spell's inner workings, everything about the runic formulas and even a hand drawn visual of the magic formation for my own reference.

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