Chapter twenty, The grand Re-opening.

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After I had urged Kaylee away from taking us back home with her car, seeing I did not enjoy the idea of her driving that thing in this state, we had to walk home, something I was just as opposed to as driving with Kaylee in the state she was in, seeing I was wearing a set of heels that I still did not walk fairly certainly on.

But I had to choose, a lot of discomfort, or fearing for my life, even risking far worse. The facts were easy enough for me to choose the discomfort over the potential of far worse than just fear.

We walked in utter silence, I simply had no clue what to say after Kaylee had suddenly kissed me. I know she likes me that way, and I must say, I didn't mind it.

But why am I this confused by that?!

I could only scream in thought as I tried to get my mind around the very fact that I didn't mind it. The confusion was immense, but since I was mindlessly following Kaylee for a long time and didn't know the route we needed to take to get back home, I had all the time I wanted for now to think. Seeing the absolute absence of any form of conversation we had surrounded ourselves in.

"Hey, lookie those beauties, how much for a night o' fun?!" A man suddenly called from behind us, half hidden by the shadows of an alley he stood in. I was glad I had my vastly improved vision in the dark compared to the people of this world, since that allowed me to see him clearly.

He wore a pair of smooth fabric pants, a richly, but overly showy decorated shirt and a coat that simply screamed 'give me attention'. His face stood contorted into a wicked grin as he examined us.

"What'd you want, punk?" Kaylee asked the man and he smiled wickedly at her. "Jus' some fun for the night, an' maybe get you two a nice job." He said and she cocked her head at him.

"Daisia, have fun... if you know what I mean. This guy's no good." She said softly at me and I grinned at the man while I brushed my long hair behind my ears, revealing my pointed, elven ears.

"Ever seen real magic? This demon can show you..." I asked him and began my chant immediately after. A sound unheard, a sight unseen, what should not be, is... Thaumaturgy.

Upon finishing my mental chant, I let my fangs grow, letting them catch the light, even if they were mere illusions. The next moment I quickly repeated the chant and caused the most ominous and terrifying whispers to fill the air around us and saw the man before me look at me with a glimpse of terror in his eyes.

"Water, cold as the frozen mountaintop come forth in my grasp, frostbolt..." Once my chant finished, I launched four shards of ice at his feet, intentionally missing all of them and embedding them in the stone ground he stood upon.

"The hell, ya bitch!?" He exclaimed when he noticed the ice sticking from the pavement and jumped back a little, his face revealing the utter and complete confusion.

"Oh come on, you wanted to have some fun..." I said, walking towards him while I chanted my next spell. "From the eyes they go black and leave their awareness, stun"

With my spell in effect, I made to reach for the man who tried to dodge my hand as I reached for him. The first grasp I let him dodge, simply moving at a slow and threatening speed, but the next one I knew would be a hit.

Fear covered his face as he looked at me with pure fright in his eyes.

"Oh, come here, you said you wanted fun, this'll be a lot of fun... for me..." I spoke wickedly, keeping my purple eyes locked on his and reached for his arm in a smooth, quick motion.

I could tell I moved far to fast for him to register or even react upon as I wrapped my fingers around his exposed wrist and his face contorted once again as he looked at my hand in fear.

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